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[英]Print ARGC in NASM without printf

Any good NASM/Intel Assembly programmers out there? 有没有好的NASM /英特尔组装程序员? If so, I have a question for you! 如果是这样,我有一个问题给你!

Every tutorial I can find online, shows the usage of "printf" for printing the actual value of ARGC to the screen (fd:/dev/stdout). 我可以在网上找到的每个教程都显示了“printf”的用法,用于将ARGC的实际值打印到屏幕上(fd:/ dev / stdout)。 Is it not possible to simply print it with sys_write() for example: 是不是可以简单地用sys_write()打印它,例如:

SEGMENT .data ; nothing here

SEGMENT .text ; sauce
        global _start
                pop ECX ; get ARGC value
                mov EAX, 4 ; sys_write()
                        mov EBX, 1 ; /dev/stdout
                        mov EDX, 1 ; a single byte
                int 0x80
                mov EAX, 1 ; sys_exit()
                        mov EBX, 0 ; return 0
                int 0x80
SEGMENT .bss ; nothing here

When I run this, I get no output at all. 当我运行它时,我根本没有输出。 I have tried copying ESP into EBP and tried using byte[EBP+4], (i was told the brackets de-reference the memory address). 我曾尝试将ESP复制到EBP并尝试使用byte [EBP + 4],(我被告知括号取消引用内存地址)。

I can confirm that the value when compared to a constant, works. 我可以确认,当与常数相比时,该值有效。 For instance, this code works: 例如,此代码有效:

pop ebp ; put the first argument on the stack
mov ebp, esp ; make a copy 
cmp byte[ebp+4],0x5 ; does it equal 5?
je _good ; goto _good, &good, good()
jne _bad ; goto _bad, &bad, bad()

When we "pop" the stack, we technically should get the full number of arguments, no? 当我们“弹出”堆栈时,我们在技术上应该获得全部参数,不是吗? Oh, btw, I compile with: 哦,顺便说一句,我编译:

nasm -f elf test.asm -o test.o
ld -o test test.o

not sure if that is relevant. 不确定这是否相关。 Let me know if i need to provide more information, or format my code for readability. 如果我需要提供更多信息或格式化我的代码以便于阅读,请告诉我。

At least 2 problems. 至少有2个问题。

  1. You need to pass a pointer to the thing you want to print. 您需要将指针传递给要打印的内容。
  2. You probably want to convert to text. 您可能想要转换为文本。

Something like this should work: 这样的事情应该有效:

SEGMENT .text ; sauce
        global _start
                mov ecx, esp        ; pointer to ARGC on stack
                add byte [esp], '0' ; convert to text assuming single digit
                mov EAX, 4 ; sys_write()
                mov EBX, 1 ; /dev/stdout
                mov EDX, 1 ; a single byte
                int 0x80
                mov EAX, 1 ; sys_exit()
                mov EBX, 0 ; return 0
                int 0x80

Everyone's comments where very helpful! 每个人的评论都非常有帮助! I am honored that you all pitched in and helped! 我很荣幸你们都投入并帮助过! I have used @Jester's code, 我用过@Jester的代码,

SEGMENT .text ; sauce
        global _start
                mov ecx, esp        ; pointer to ARGC on stack
                add byte [esp], '0' ; convert to text assuming single digit
                mov EAX, 4 ; sys_write()
                mov EBX, 1 ; /dev/stdout
                mov EDX, 1 ; a single byte
                int 0x80
                mov EAX, 1 ; sys_exit()
                mov EBX, 0 ; return 0
                int 0x80

Which works perfectly when compiled, linked and loaded. 这在编译,链接和加载时非常有效。 The sys_write() function requires a pointer, such like in the common "Hello World" example, the symbol "msg" is a pointer as seen in the code below. sys_write()函数需要一个指针,就像在常见的“Hello World”示例中一样,符号“msg”是一个指针,如下面的代码所示。

SECTION .data ; initialized data
    msg: db "Hello World!",0xa
SECTION .text ; workflow
    global _start
        mov EAX, 4
        mov EBX, 1
        mov ECX, msg ; a pointer!

So first, we move the stack pointer into the counter register, ECX , with the code, 首先,我们使用代码将堆栈指针移动到计数器寄存器ECX中

mov ecx, esp ; ecx now contains a pointer!

and then convert it to a string by adding a '0' char to the value pointed to by ESP (which is ARGC), by de-referencing it with square brackets, as [ESP] like so, 然后通过 ESP 指向的值 (即ARGC) 添加一个'0'字符 ,通过用方括号取消引用 ,将其转换为字符串,如[ESP]那样,

add byte[esp], '0' ; update the value stored at "esp"

Again, thank you all for the great help! 再次感谢大家的帮助! <3 <3

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