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我如何在accord.net 中保存“学习状态”?

[英]How do I save «the learned state» in accord.net?

I am a beginner at machine learning and Accord.net.我是机器学习和 Accord.net 的初学者。 I see how I can train it and then use it, but in an enterprise setting, running this on a server, how do I persist the learnings of Accord .net.我知道如何训练它然后使用它,但在企业环境中,在服务器上运行它,我如何坚持 Accord .net 的学习。 Do I need to save all training data and retrain every time the application is restarted?每次重新启动应用程序时,我是否需要保存所有训练数据并重新训练?

Import the Accord.IO namespace in your code, by adding在您的代码中导入 Accord.IO 命名空间,通过添加

using Accord.IO;

at the top of your source file.在源文件的顶部。 This way, you will be able to use the Serializer 's Save methods in any framework object.这样,您将能够在任何框架对象中使用Serializer的 Save 方法。 To load an object back from its serialized form, you can use Serializer.Load(string path).要将对象从其序列化形式加载回,您可以使用 Serializer.Load(string path)。

Ususally there are Load and Save methods for persistance and re-creation of state.通常有用于持久化和重新创建状态的 Load 和 Save 方法。
At which specific model are you looking at?您在看哪个具体型号?

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