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[英]benchmarking the performance of threads

I am experimenting stuff and trying to calculate the time taken to create N threads and doing some simple operation in the thread. 我正在尝试一些东西,并尝试计算创建N个线程并在该线程中执行一些简单操作所需的时间。

I have a variable initialized to 0 and waiting till it reaches the value N, where N is the number of threads. 我有一个变量初始化为0 ,一直等到它达到值N,其中N是线程数。 That way, I can ensure that all the threads are done executing atleast till the part before the return statement(last line of that function). 这样,我可以确保所有线程至少执行完,直到return语句之前的那个部分(该函数的最后一行)。

I am guessing that numbers [0,N] where N is the number of threads we want to create should be output in some random order but printing some stuff that doesnt make sense(addresses, may be). 我猜想数字[0,N]其中N is the number of threads we want to create应该以某种随机顺序输出,但是打印一些没有意义的东西(地址可能是)。 My question is why are the number not being printed in a random fashion from 0 to N 我的问题是为什么数字不是从0到N随机打印

Code here: 代码在这里:

void* increment(void *);

int main(int argc , char *argv[])
   if(argc != 2) {
    cout<<"Please provide the number of threads to create" <<endl;
    return -1;

int nthreads = atoi(argv[1]);
pthread_t thread_ids[nthreads];
int count = 0;

struct timeval timeStart, timeEnd;
gettimeofday(&timeStart, NULL);

int i = 0;
while(i < nthreads)
    pthread_t thread_id;
    if( pthread_create( &thread_ids[i] , NULL , increment , (void*) &count) < 0)
        error("could not create thread");
        return 1;

while(count < nthreads)
    cout<<"Waiting !"<<endl;

gettimeofday(&timeEnd, NULL);

for(i = 0; i < nthreads; i++)
    pthread_join(thread_ids[i], NULL);

std::cout << "This piece of code took "
<< ((timeEnd.tv_sec - timeStart.tv_sec) * 1000000L + timeEnd.tv_usec - timeStart.tv_usec) << " us to execute."
<< std::endl;

 return 0;

void* increment(void *i)
  int *p = (int*)i;
  *p = *p + 1;
  return 0;

Not sure whats wrong in this piece of code. 不确定这段代码有什么问题。 Any pointers? 有指针吗?


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