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[英]Create bar chart using mysql data

I want create bar using mysql data which is returned in JSON Format. 我想使用以JSON格式返回的mysql数据创建栏。

    "Score": "84",
    "Trainer": "Jamshaid",
    "Subject Name": "Java"
    "Score": "50",
    "Trainer": "Zaid",
    "Subject Name": "Android"
    "Score": "40",
    "Trainer": "Sajjad",
    "Subject Name": "iOS"
    "Score": "50",
    "Trainer": "Jamshaid",
    "Subject Name": "iOS"

I want to create like this chart 我想创建像这样的图表

But problem is that this gets formatted from Table. 但是问题是,这是从Table格式化的。 But I have data in JSON as shown above. 但是我有JSON中的数据,如上所示。

Here is the link I am following. 这是我关注的链接。 Can we convert the JSON Data in a Format so that it can populate chart based on the Data as shown 我们可以将JSON数据转换为一种格式,以便它可以根据所示数据填充图表吗

https://blueflame-software.com/bar-chart-with-data-from-mysql-using-highcharts/ https://blueflame-software.com/bar-chart-with-data-from-mysql-using-highcharts/

You can process the JSON in the Javascript to build the data required for the chart as shown below: 您可以在Javascript中处理JSON来构建图表所需的数据,如下所示:

var jsonFromServer = [
    "Score": "84",
    "Trainer": "Jamshaid",
    "Subject Name": "Java"
    "Score": "50",
    "Trainer": "Zaid",
    "Subject Name": "Android"
    "Score": "40",
    "Trainer": "Sajjad",
    "Subject Name": "iOS"
    "Score": "50",
    "Trainer": "Jamshaid",
    "Subject Name": "iOS"

The above is data from server captured in a variable 上面是来自服务器的数据,捕获在一个变量中

The below code helps you to extract the Y axis Values (ie the unique subject names) from the JSON response: 以下代码可帮助您从JSON响应中提取Y轴值(即唯一的主题名称):

function getSubjects(){
    var subjectsMap = {};
  $.each(jsonFromServer, function(index, value){
    if(!subjectsMap[value['Subject Name']]){
        subjectsMap[value['Subject Name']] = 1;
  return $.map(subjectsMap, function(index, val){ return val; });

Then we need to extract the Scores for each trainer in different subject which should be of form: [{name: "Trainer", data: []}] where data is an array of scores in subject whose order should be same as the order of subjects appearing in the Y axis data. 然后,我们需要提取不同主题中每个培训者的分数,其形式应为:[{name:“ Trainer”,data:[]}]其中,data是主题中分数的数组,其顺序应与顺序相同Y轴数据中出现的对象的数量。 Which can be achieved using the below code: 可以使用以下代码实现:

function getTrainers(){
    var trainersMap = {};
  $.each(jsonFromServer, function(index, value){
        trainersMap[value['Trainer']] = 1;
  return $.map(trainersMap, function(index, val){ return val; });
function getMarks(){
  var subjects = getSubjects();
  var trainers= getTrainers();
  var marks = {};
  //initialize the trainers scores in all subjects to 0
   $.each(trainers, function(index, trainer){
    if ( !marks[trainer]){
        marks[trainer] = {};
    $.each(subjects, function(idx2, sub){
        marks[trainer][sub] = 0;

  //now populate with the actual values obtained from server
  $.each(subjects, function(idx2, sub){
    $.each(jsonFromServer, function(index, value){
        var trainer = value['Trainer'];
        var subName = value['Subject Name'];
      var score = value['Score'];
      if ( sub == subName){
            marks[trainer][sub] = score;  


  //now format the marks object into the format required for highcharts
  //i.e an array of object with properties [{name: "", data:[]}]
  return $.map(marks, function(val, index){ 
    var scoreArray = [];
    $.each(val, function(index, score){
    return {"name": index, "data": scoreArray}; 


The working code can be found in the fiddle here . 工作代码可以在这里的小提琴中找到

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