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[英]regex don't capture 1st character

I want to capture every letter except the first letter in the string. 我想捕获字符串中除第一个字母以外的所有字母。
Example string: The cat in the hat. 示例字符串: The cat in the hat.

I know to capture the first letter is /[^]/ so I would want something like /not [^]/ 我知道要捕获的第一个字母是/[^]/所以我想要类似/not [^]/

Use a zero width positive lookbehind: 在后面使用零宽度正向查找:


Demo 演示版

You can utilize a capture group with a basic regular expression. 您可以使用具有基本正则表达式的捕获组。


The capture group stores the match result ignoring the first character in the string. 捕获组将忽略字符串中的第一个字符而存储匹配结果。

Demo 演示版

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