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[英]awk to merge lines based on 1st character

I am trying to write a command to convert a texter bundle file into an autokey file. 我正在尝试编写一个命令,将文本绑定程序文件转换为自动密钥文件。 The texter file is formatted like so: Texter文件的格式如下:

This would be the replacement text for the line above in texter.
Have a GREAt day!
But some of the 
information takes up multiple lines
However all the abbreviations 
start with a "." and 
then x lines of text to be

I need to put each one in a separate file or print the abbrevation and its replacement text into the appropriate fields in the following format: 我需要将每个单独的文件放在一个单独的文件中,或将缩写及其替换文本以以下格式打印到相应的字段中:

  "items": [
    "usageCount": 0, 
    "omitTrigger": false, 
    "prompt": false, 
    "description": "description", 
    "abbreviation": {
        "ignoreCase": false, 
        "wordChars": "[\\w]", 
        "immediate": false, 
        "abbreviation": "ABBREVIATION GOES HERE", 
        "backspace": true, 
        "triggerInside": false
    "hotkey": {
        "hotKey": null, 
        "modifiers": []
    "modes": [
    "showInTrayMenu": false, 
    "matchCase": false, 
    "filter": null, 
    "type": "phrase", 
    "sendMode": "kb"

I am pretty sure I can handle the formatting part with awk but How could I grab the proper abbrevation and its appropriate replacement text. 我很确定我可以使用awk处理格式部分,但是如何获取正确的缩写及其适当的替换文本。 Heres what I came up with for the printing it to individual files that I could them format but its giving me an error about close f: 这是我想出的将它打印到可以格式化的单个文件中的方法,但是这给我一个关于close f的错误:

awk '/^\./ {f="$title\."++d} f{print > f} /^\./ {close f; f=""}' 

This script wont work either that I wrote: 我写的这个脚本不起作用:


while read line
   if echo $line | grep "^\."; then
       line_no=`echo $line | awk -F "\." '{ print $2 }'
   elif echo $line | grep "^\."; then
       : #ignore
       echo "$line" >> t2ak.$line_no
done < Default.texter

This might work for you: 这可能对您有用:

csplit -n5 -z file '/^\./' '{*}'

This will place each abbreviation in a separate file, then use sed or awk to fill in a template using the resulting files. 这会将每个缩写放在一个单独的文件中,然后使用sed或awk使用生成的文件填充模板。

Try using "\\n\\." 尝试使用"\\n\\." as awk 's recordseparator regex. 作为awk的recordseparator正则表达式。

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