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[英]creating rabbitmq vhost with kombu

I am looking for a way to create and configure vhosts in rabbitmq with kombu but found nothing in the documentations. 我正在寻找一种使用kombu在rabbitmq中创建和配置虚拟主机的方法,但在文档中未找到任何内容。 Is there a way to do so? 有办法吗? In addition - is there a permission / role in rabbitmq (other than admin) that allows to create vhosts? 另外-在Rabbitmq中(管理员除外)是否有允许创建虚拟主机的权限/角色?

  1. I'm not familiar with kombu, but if it can call an external command, namely rabbitmqctl, than it could use it to create the vhost. 我对kombu不熟悉,但是如果它可以调用外部命令(即rabbitmqctl),则可以使用它来创建虚拟主机。 Also there is way by using the http API (just look for create a new vhost ). 还有一种使用http API的方法 (只需寻找创建一个新的vhost )。

  2. You can create a new user (using the aforementioned methods or WebUI) and give it any permission you want - if tagged as administrator that user will be able to create new vhosts. 您可以创建一个新用户(使用上述方法或WebUI)并给予您所需的任何权限-如果标记为管理员 ,则该用户将能够创建新的虚拟主机。

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