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rabbitmq 对虚拟主机的访问被拒绝

[英]rabbitmq access to vhost denied

I set up a controller host with rabbitmq-server running.我设置了一个运行rabbitmq-server 的控制器主机。 From the nova host, I see that the nova-conductor cannot be reached.从 nova 主机,我看到无法到达 nova 导体。 I checked on the controller host and I see the following in the logs :我检查了控制器主机,并在日志中看到以下内容:

  access to vhost 'None' refused for user 'openstack'

I have the following configuration settings for rabbitmq on the controller host:我在控制器主机上对 rabbitmq 进行了以下配置设置:

    rabbitmqctl list_users
    Listing users ...
    guest   [administrator]
    openstack       []

When I list permissions I see openstack can access all resources当我列出权限时,我看到 openstack 可以访问所有资源

    Listing permissions in vhost "/" ...
    guest   .*      .*      .*
    openstack       .*      .*      .*

I am able to authenticate with the rabbitmq-server - just unable to access the / vhost.我能够使用 rabbitmq-server 进行身份验证 - 只是无法访问 / vhost。 For debugging, I would like to set up so that any client can access any resource (turn off access control altogether).对于调试,我想设置为任何客户端都可以访问任何资源(完全关闭访问控制)。 Is that possible.那可能吗。


access to vhost 'None' refused for user 'openstack'

Something is trying to access a vhost named None , which doesn't exist.有些东西正试图访问一个名为None的虚拟主机,它不存在。 The default vhost is named / .默认虚拟主机名为/ Since None is a keyword in Python I suspect there is an application bug or mis-configuration somewhere.由于None是 Python 中的关键字,我怀疑某处存在应用程序错误或配置错误。

It's not possible to disable access control so I suggest creating a well-known user and password to use.禁用访问控制是不可能的,所以我建议创建一个众所周知的用户和密码来使用。

This is caused by a relatively new change in either Kombu or oslo.messages .这是由Kombuoslo.messages 中相对较新的更改引起的。 Previously if a virtual_host was not provided, it would default to / .以前,如果未提供 virtual_host,则默认为/ This is no longer the case.这已不再是这种情况。

For it to work your transport_url needs to at the very least have one / at the end.要使其工作,您的transport_url至少需要在末尾有一个/

transport_url = rabbit://stackrabbit:secretrabbit@ transport_url = rabbit://stackrabbit:secretrabbit@

You can take a look at for example devstack here as a reference.您可以在此处查看例如 devstack 作为参考。

The actual upstream fix for the issue is available here .该问题的实际上游修复可在此处获得

You can also send http requests to the vhost to get/set user permissions.您还可以向虚拟主机发送 http 请求以获取/设置用户权限。 You have to specify the host name as part of the url, but since the default vhost is '/' you have to substitute it for '%2F' ie http://<ip>:<port>/api/vhosts/%2F/permissions您必须将主机名指定为 url 的一部分,但由于默认 vhost 是“/”,因此您必须将其替换为“%2F”,http://<ip>:<port>/api/vhosts/% 2F/权限


 curl -i -u guest:guest -h "content-type:application/json" -GET http://localhost:15672/api/permissions/%2F/guest

You can find a full list of api options by going to http://<ip>:<port>/api/index.html您可以通过访问http://<ip>:<port>/api/index.html找到完整的 api 选项列表

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