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[英]D3 processes a stacked bar chart wrong

I have a CSV file named dummydata_genreCountByYear.csv . 我有一个名为dummydata_genreCountByYear.csv的CSV文件。 It looks like this: 看起来像这样:

Year,Unknown,show tunes,jazz,rock,heavy metal,rap,r&b,trap,hip hop

I want to make a normalized stacked bar chart showing popularity of genres for each year. 我想制作一个标准化的堆叠条形图,以显示每年流派的流行程度。 I'm mostly following this example of a normalized stacked bar chart. 我主要关注的是标准化堆叠条形图的示例

Here's my index.html : 这是我的index.html

<div id="genre-by-year-chart-container" class="chart">

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.5.6/d3.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var x, y, xAxis, yAxis;

    var genreByYearContainerID= "genre-by-year-chart-container";
    var margin= {
        top: 50,
        right: 30,
        bottom: 100,
        left: 0
    var marginTop=      margin.top;
    var marginLeft=     margin.left;
    var marginBottom=   margin.bottom;
    var marginRight=    margin.right;

    var width=  document.getElementById(genreByYearContainerID).clientWidth - marginRight - marginLeft;

    var widthWithMargins=   width+marginRight+marginLeft;
    var height=             1000;

    var chart=      d3.select('#'+genreByYearContainerID)

    var color=  d3.scale.category20();
    d3.csv("dummydata_genreCountByYear.csv", function(error, data){
        x=  d3.scale
            .rangeRoundBands([0,width], 0.1);

        y=  d3.scale

        xAxis=  d3.svg.axis()

        yAxis=  d3.svg.axis()

                return key !== "Year";

            var y0= 0;
            d.Genres=   color.domain().map(function(name){
                var obj=    {
                    name:   name,
                    y0:     y0,
                    y1:     y0 += +d[name]
                return obj;

                d.y0 /= y0;
                d.y1 /= y0;

            return b.Genres[0].y1 + a.Genres[0].y1;

            return d.Year;

            .attr("class","x axis")

            .attr("class","y axis")

        var year=   chart.selectAll(".year")
                        return "translate(" + x(d.Year) + ",0)";

                return d.Genres;
                return y(d.y1);
                return y(d.y0) - y(d.y1);
                return color(d.name);

But when I open up the file, here's what I see: 但是,当我打开文件时,会看到以下内容:


And when I inspect the elements of the DOM in my browser for each .year element, here's an example of what I see: 当我在浏览器中针对每个.year元素检查DOM元素时,以下是我看到的示例:

<g class="year" transform="translate(30,0)">
  <rect width="261" y="1000" height="0" style="fill: rgb(31, 119, 180);">
  <rect width="261" y="1000" height="0" style="fill: rgb(174, 199, 232);">
  <rect width="261" y="1000" height="0" style="fill: rgb(255, 127, 14);">
  <rect width="261" y="667" height="333" style="fill: rgb(255, 187, 120);">
  <rect width="261" y="333" height="334" style="fill: rgb(44, 160, 44);">
  <rect width="261" y="0" height="333" style="fill: rgb(152, 223, 138);">
  <rect width="261" y="0" height="0" style="fill: rgb(214, 39, 40);">
  <rect width="261" y="0" height="0" style="fill: rgb(255, 152, 150);">
  <rect width="261" y="0" height="0" style="fill: rgb(148, 103, 189);">

The above HTML is for the leftmost .year element. 上面的HTML用于最左边的.year元素。 The rect elements seem to have the correct y , height and style attributes. rect元素似乎具有正确的yheightstyle属性。 So why won't this code properly display a normalized stacked bar chart? 那么,为什么这段代码不能正确显示标准化的堆积条形图呢?

You have to define a height for your svg . 您必须为svg定义height

Something like (or whatever height you need for your area): 某种东西(或您所在区域需要的高度):

chart.attr('height', 1000);

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