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[英]regmatches to return multiple matches from gregexpr

I wanted to grab 2-3 words before and after the word: "help" 我想在单词之前和之后抓2-3个单词:“help”

I have a block of text as below: 我有一个文本块如下:

....features and lots of greenery to help soothe the nerves...blah blah...cozy up in their plush blankets to help relax the nerves ....功能和许多绿色植物,以帮助安抚神经......等等... ...在他们的毛绒毯子舒适,以帮助放松神经

This is what I did 这就是我做的

x <- paste("(\\S+\\s+|^)(\\S+\\s+|)(\\S+\\s+|)", treatSym[i], ".?(\\s+\\S+|)(\\s+\\S+|$)(\\s+\\S+|$)", sep="")

matching <- gregexpr(x,text)

regmatches(text, matching, invert = FALSE)

I got this error because i'm guessing length(matching) = 2. It works well when there is only 1 match though. 我得到了这个错误,因为我猜测长度(匹配)= 2.但是当只有一个匹配时,它运行良好。

Error in regmatches(text, matching, invert = FALSE) : 
  ‘x’ and ‘m’ must have the same length

Would there be a better solution to call out the 2-3 words before and after the keyword? 是否有更好的解决方案可以在关键字之前和之后调出2-3个字?

n is a vector of length 2 giving the number of words before and after the keyword n是长度为2的向量,给出关键字之前和之后的单词数

n <- c(2, 2)
x <- "....features and lots of greenery to help soothe the nerves...blah blah...cozy up in their plush blankets to help relax the nerves"

pat <- sprintf('(?:[a-z]+ ){%s}help(?: [a-z]+){%s}', n[1], n[2])
m <- gregexpr(pat, x, perl = TRUE)
regmatches(x, m)[[1]]
# [1] "greenery to help soothe the" "blankets to help relax the" 

As a function 作为一个功能

f <- function(string, keyword, n = c(2,2)) {
  # pat <- sprintf('(?:[a-z]+ ){%s}%s(?: [a-z]+){%s}', n[1], keyword, n[2])
  pat <- sprintf('(?:[a-z]+ ){0,%s}%s(?: [a-z]+){0,%s}', n[1], keyword, n[2])
  m <- gregexpr(pat, string, perl = TRUE)
  regmatches(string, m)[[1]]

f(x, 'help', c(1, 2))
# [1] "to help soothe the" "to help relax the" 

Another option would be to split words, get indexes of help , and get 2 or 3 words before/after each help . 另一个选择是分割单词,获取help索引,并在每个help之前/之后获得2或3个单词。

library(SOfun)  ### https://github.com/mrdwab/SOfun

x <- "....features and lots of greenery to help soothe the nerves...blah blah...cozy up in their plush blankets to help relax the nerves"

Option 1: Just get the words 选项1:得到的话

### Remove ... and split words
temp <- stri_replace_all_regex(pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = " ", str = x) %>%
        stri_split_fixed(pattern = " ") %>%
        unlist %>%
        .[nchar(.) > 0]

data.frame(word = temp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
getMyRows(pattern = grep(pattern = "help", x = .$word), range = -3:3) %>%
lapply(function(ana){ana[-grep(pattern = "help", x = ana)]})

#[1] "of"       "greenery" "to"       "soothe"   "the"      "nerves"  
#[1] "plush"    "blankets" "to"       "relax"    "the"      "nerves" 

If you want to see which words you choose for each help , you could try the following. 如果您想查看为每个help选择的单词,可以尝试以下操作。

Option 2: Create a data frame 选项2:创建数据框

temp <- stri_replace_all_regex(pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = " ", str = x) %>%
        stri_split_fixed(pattern = " ") %>%
        unlist %>%
        .[nchar(.) > 0]

data.frame(word = temp, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
getMyRows(pattern = grep(pattern = "help", x = .$word), range = -3:3) %>%
lapply(function(ana){ana[-grep(pattern = "help", x = ana)]}) -> temp

        lapply(temp, function(y){
                        data.frame(word = y,
                                   ind = c(-3:-1, 1:3),
                                   stringsAsFactors = FALSE)}

# ind indicates relative positions of the words. words with negative
# numbers are on left side of help. Words with positive numbers on right.

#       word ind
#1        of  -3
#2  greenery  -2
#3        to  -1
#4    soothe   1
#5       the   2
#6    nerves   3
#7     plush  -3
#8  blankets  -2
#9        to  -1
#10    relax   1
#11      the   2
#12   nerves   3

You could use the quanteda package for something like this. 你可以使用quantedaquanteda这样的事情。

my.string <- "....features and lots of greenery to help soothe the nerves...blah blah...cozy up in their plush blankets to help relax the nerves"

kwic(my.string, "help", window = 3, valuetype = "fixed")

                     contextPre keyword         contextPost
[text1, 11]    of greenery to [    help ] soothe the nerves
[text1, 30] plush blankets to [    help ] relax the nerves 

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