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[英]R Conditional Replace/Trim with Fill (regex,gsub,gregexpr,regmatches)

I have a question involving conditional replace. 我有一个涉及条件替换的问题。

I essentially want to find every string of numbers and, for every consecutive digit after 4, replace it with a space. 我本质上是想找到每个数字字符串,并为4之后的每个连续数字替换一个空格。

I need the solution to be vectorized and speed is essential. 我需要矢量化解决方案,而速度至关重要。

Here is a working (but inefficient solution): 这是一个可行的(但效率不高的解决方案):

data <- data.frame(matrix(NA, ncol=2, nrow=6, dimnames=list(c(), c("input","output"))), 
data[1,] <- c("STRING WITH 2 FIX(ES): 123456    098765  1111   ",NA)
data[2,] <- c(" PADDED STRING WITH 3 FIX(ES): 123456    098765  111111   ",NA)
data[3,] <- c(" STRING WITH 0 FIX(ES): 12        098     111   ",NA)
data[4,] <- c(NA,NA)
data[5,] <- c("1234567890",NA)
data[6,] <- c("   12345   67890    ",NA)

x2 <- data[,"input"]

p1 <- "([0-9]+)"

m1 <- gregexpr(p1, x2,perl = TRUE)

nchar1 <- lapply(regmatches(x2, m1), function(x){
  if (length(x)==0){ x <- NA  } else ( x <- nchar(x))
  return(x) })

x3 <- mapply(function(match,length,text,cutoff) {
  temp_comb <- data.frame(match=match, length=length, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

  for(i in which(temp_comb[,"length"] > cutoff))
    before <- substr(text, 1, (temp_comb[i,"match"]-1))
    middle_4 <- substr(text, temp_comb[i,"match"], temp_comb[i,"match"]+cutoff-1)
    middle_space <-  paste(rep(" ", temp_comb[i,"length"]-cutoff),sep="",collapse="")
    after <-  substr(text, temp_comb[i,"match"]+temp_comb[i,"length"], nchar(text))
    text <- paste(before,middle_4,middle_space,after,sep="")


data[,"output"] <- x3

Is there a better way? 有没有更好的办法?

I was looking at the help section for regmatches and there was a similar type question, but it was full replacement with blanks and not conditional. 我在帮助部分查找正则匹配项,并且有一个类似的类型问题,但是它完全替换为空格,而不是有条件的。

I would have written some alternatives and benchmarked them but honestly I couldn't think of other ways to do this. 我会写一些替代方案并对其进行基准测试,但老实说,我想不出其他方法来做到这一点。

Thanks ahead of time for the help! 提前感谢您的帮助!


Fleck, 斑点,

Using your way but making cutoff an input, I am getting an error for the NA case: 用您的方式但将截止作为输入,NA情况出现错误:

#replace numbers afther the 4th with spaces for those matches
zz<-lapply(regmatches(data$input, m), function(x,cutoff) {

    # x <- regmatches(data$input, m)[[4]]
    # cutoff <- 4

    mapply(function(x, n, cutoff){
      formatC(substr(x,1,cutoff), width=-n)
    }, x=x, n=nchar(x),cutoff=cutoff)


Here's a fast approach with just one gsub command: 这是一种仅需一个gsub命令的快速方法:

gsub("(?<!\\d)(\\d{4})\\d*", "\\1", data$input, perl = TRUE)
# [1] "STRING WITH 2 FIX(ES): 1234    0987  1111   "        
# [2] " PADDED STRING WITH 3 FIX(ES): 1234    0987  1111   "
# [3] " STRING WITH 0 FIX(ES): 12        098     111   "    
# [4] NA                                                    
# [5] "1234"                                                
# [6] "   1234   6789    "  

The string (?<!\\\\d) is a negative lookahead: A position that is not preceded by a digit. 字符串(?<!\\\\d)表示否定的前瞻:位置前无数字。 The string (\\\\d{4}) means 4 consecutive digits . 字符串(\\\\d{4})表示4个连续数字 Finally, \\\\d* represents any number of digits. 最后, \\\\d*代表任意数量的数字。 The part of the string that matches this regex is replaced by the first group (the first 4 digits). 与该正则表达式匹配的字符串部分由第一组(前4位数字)代替。

An approach that does not change string length: 不改变字符串长度的方法:

matches <- gregexpr("(?<=\\d{4})\\d+", data$input, perl = TRUE)
mapply(function(m, d) {
  if (!is.na(m) && m != -1L) {
    for (i in seq_along(m)) {
      substr(d, m[i], m[i] + attr(m, "match.length") - 1L) <- paste(rep(" ", attr(m, "match.length")[i]), collapse = "")
}, matches, data$input)

# [1] "STRING WITH 2 FIX(ES): 1234      0987    1111   "          
# [2] " PADDED STRING WITH 3 FIX(ES): 1234      0987    1111     "
# [3] " STRING WITH 0 FIX(ES): 12        098     111   "          
# [4] NA                                                          
# [5] "1234      "                                                
# [6] "   1234    6789     "  

You can do the same in one line (and one space for one digit) with: 您可以使用以下命令在一行中进行相同的操作(一位数字一个空格)

gsub("(?:\\G(?!\\A)|\\d{4})\\K\\d", " ", data$input, perl = TRUE)

details: 细节:

(?:        # non-capturing group: the two possible entry points
    \G     # either the position after the last match or the start of the string
    (?!\A) # exclude the start of the string position
  |        # OR
    \d{4}  # four digits
)          # close the non-capturing group
\K         # removes all on the left from the match result
\d         # a single digit

Here's a way with gregexpr and regmatches 这是使用gregexprregmatches

#find all numbers with more than 4 digits
m <- gregexpr("\\d{5,}", data$input)

#replace numbers afther the 4th with spaces for those matches
zz<-lapply(regmatches(data$input, m), function(x) {
        mapply(function(x, n) formatC(substr(x,1,4), width=-n), x, nchar(x))

#combine with original values
data$output2 <- unlist(Map(function(a,b) paste0(a,c(b,""), collapse=""), 
    regmatches(data$input, m, invert=T), zz))

The different here is that it turns the NA value into "" . 此处的不同之处在于它将NA值转换为"" We could add in other checks to prevent that or just turn all zero length strings into missing values at the end. 我们可以添加其他检查来防止这种情况,或者只是在末尾将所有零长度的字符串转换为缺失值。 I just didn't want to over-complicate the code with safety checks. 我只是不想通过安全检查使代码过于复杂。

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