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模板继承C ++迭代器

[英]template inheritance C++ iterator

    template<class T, template<typename> class Seq>
    class SequenceWithApply : public Seq<T*>
      // 0 arguments, any type of return value:
      template<class R>
      void apply(R (T::*f)()) {
        iterator it = begin();
        while(it != end()) {
          it++; }

      // 1 argument, any type of return value:
      template<class R, class A>
      void apply(R(T::*f)(A), A a) {
        iterator it = begin();
        while(it != end()) {
          it++; }

      // 2 arguments, any type of return value:
      template<class R, class A1, class A2>
      void apply(R(T::*f)(A1, A2),
                 A1 a1, A2 a2) {
        iterator it = begin();
        while(it != end()) {
          ((*it)->*f)(a1, a2);
    }; ///:~

//: C03:applyGromit2.cpp
// Test applyMember.h
#include "Gromit.h"
#include "applyMember.h"
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
  SequenceWithApply<Gromit, vector> dogs;
  for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
    dogs.push_back(new Gromit(i));
  dogs.apply(&Gromit::speak, 1);
  dogs.apply(&Gromit::eat, 2.0f);
  dogs.apply(&Gromit::sleep, 'z', 3.0);
} ///:~

I did not quite understand why compiler complain about iterator here. 我不太明白为什么编译iterator在这里抱怨iterator Since this snippet code implemente a class SequenceWithApply based on the template. 由于此代码段代码基于模板实现了一个SequenceWithApply类。 In this case, SequenceWithApply is actually a based class of vector . 在这种情况下, SequenceWithApply实际上是vector的基类。 iterator should be visible in this base class. 迭代器应该在此基类中可见。 I really appreciate that someone can help me figure this out. 我真的很感谢有人可以帮助我解决这个问题。

The compiler looks for iterator on first-phase lookup, which is before the template is ever instantiated. 编译iterator在第一阶段查找时寻找iterator ,这是在模板实例化之前进行的。 In order to know from which type the class derives, the template must be instantiated (so that Seq<T*> is an actual type). 为了知道该类是从哪种类型派生的,必须实例化该模板(以便Seq<T*>是实际类型)。 Thus, the compiler never finds iterator in the base class yet. 因此,编译器从未在基类中找到iterator

You can get around this in two easy ways: 您可以通过两种简单的方法解决此问题:

A one-off: 一次性:

typename Seq<T*>::iterator

A type alias in your derived class: 派生类中的类型别名:

using iterator = typename Seq<T*>::iterator;

All of these unambiguously specify to which type iterator belongs, looked up in the second phase of lookup when Seq and T are known. 所有这些明确指定了iterator所属的类型,并在知道SeqT的第二个查找阶段中对其进行查找。 More on typename . 有关typename更多信息

You can do the same for your functions: 您可以对功能执行相同的操作:

A one-off: 一次性:

this->begin() // if inside a member function

A using declaration: 使用声明:

using Seq<T*>::begin;

The book you're using may be out of date. 您正在使用的书可能已过时。 These days c++ has moved in the direction of using free functions for better decoupling. 如今,c ++已朝着使用自由函数实现更好的去耦的方向发展。

Example: 例:

#include <vector>
#include <iostream>

// an example Gromit
struct Gromit
    Gromit(int index) : index(index) {};

    void speak(int i) { std::cout << name() << " speaking " << i << std::endl; }
    void eat(float f) { std::cout << name() << " eating " << f << std::endl; }
    void sleep(char c, double f) { std::cout << name() << " sleeping " << c << " " << f << std::endl; }
    void sit() { std::cout << name() << " sitting" << std::endl; }

    std::string name() const {
        return "Gromit " + std::to_string(index);
    int index;

// apply some function object to each item in a container    
template<class Container, class F>
void apply(Container& container, F f)
    for (const auto& p : container)


int main() {
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Gromit>> dogs;
    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        dogs.emplace_back(new Gromit(i));

    using namespace std::placeholders;

    // apply dog.speak(1) to each dog in dogs...        
    apply(dogs, std::bind(&Gromit::speak, _1, 1));

    // dog.eat(2.0f) for each dog in dogs...
    apply(dogs, std::bind(&Gromit::eat, _1, 2.0f));

    // ...etc
    apply(dogs, std::bind(&Gromit::sleep, _1, 'z', 3.0));
    apply(dogs, std::bind(&Gromit::sit, _1));

expected output: 预期输出:

Gromit 0 speaking 1
Gromit 1 speaking 1
Gromit 2 speaking 1
Gromit 3 speaking 1
Gromit 4 speaking 1
Gromit 0 eating 2
Gromit 1 eating 2
Gromit 2 eating 2
Gromit 3 eating 2
Gromit 4 eating 2
Gromit 0 sleeping z 3
Gromit 1 sleeping z 3
Gromit 2 sleeping z 3
Gromit 3 sleeping z 3
Gromit 4 sleeping z 3
Gromit 0 sitting
Gromit 1 sitting
Gromit 2 sitting
Gromit 3 sitting
Gromit 4 sitting

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