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[英]Bind to UIElement in code-behind crashing

In my code, I have an UIElement variable I set with certain button presses. 在我的代码中,我有一个UIElement变量,可以通过按下某些按钮来设置。 Now, I have this variable: 现在,我有了这个变量:

public UIElement currentMenu;

Set to this value: 设置为此值:

currentMenu = (UIElement)Resources["Home"];

I get it from the Resources so I don't have to manage it messily in the code-behind, I will export the Resources to a seperate ResourceDictionary once I get this problem solved. 我是从资源中获取资源的,因此不必在后面的代码中对其进行混乱的管理,一旦解决了此问题,便会将资源导出到单独的ResourceDictionary中。

My SplitView looks like this: 我的SplitView看起来像这样:

<SplitView x:Name="NavPane" OpenPaneLength="250" CompactPaneLength="50" Content="{x:Bind currentMenu}" DisplayMode="CompactOverlay" IsPaneOpen="False" PaneClosing="NavPane_PaneClosing">

The prblem comes in at this point, the Binding crashes the entire application with an unhndled win32 exception. 问题就在这时出现,绑定使整个应用程序崩溃,并释放了未捕获的win32异常。 I get no description and the error code changes every time. 我没有得到任何描述,并且错误代码每次都会更改。 I have checked with break points whether this behaviour is actually caused by the binding, and it is. 我已经用断点检查了此行为是否实际上是由绑定引起的,确实如此。

If you have any suggestions on what might be going wrong here, please post an answer. 如果您对这里可能发生的问题有任何建议,请发布答案。 I will supply any additional information needed (if reasonable, I'm not going to send you my entire project files) 我将提供所需的任何其他信息(如果合理,我不会将整个项目文件发送给您)

Any help is appreciated! 任何帮助表示赞赏!

Your problem that you are using a variable, not a property. 您正在使用变量而不是属性的问题。

private UIElement currentMenu;
public string CurrentMenu
   get { return currentMenu; }
   set { 

So the basic rules to bind Control to a "varaible": 因此,将Control绑定到“变量”的基本规则:

  • Variable should be a property, not a field. 变量应该是属性,而不是字段。
  • it should be public . 应该是public
  • Either a notifying property (suitable for model classes) or a dependency property (suitable for view classes) 通知属性(适用于模型类)或依赖项属性(适用于视图类)

To notify UI you should implement INotifyPropertyChanged : 要通知UI,您应该实现INotifyPropertyChanged

public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
    PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));

Update: 更新:

Your Bidning should looks like: 您的Bidning应如下所示:

<SplitView x:Name="NavPane" OpenPaneLength="250" CompactPaneLength="50" 
       Content="{Binding CurrentMenu}" DisplayMode="CompactOverlay" IsPaneOpen="False"

I have found the answer to my question! 我找到了我问题的答案!

Namely, this was not the way to do it. 即,这不是做到这一点的方法。 Instead, I declared a Frame inside the Content of the SplitView: 相反,我在SplitView的内容内声明了一个Frame:

    <Frame x:Name="activeMenu"/>

Then, I use the Frame.Navigate() function to load my menus into the Frame: 然后,我使用Frame.Navigate()函数将菜单加载到Frame中:

    public MainPage()
        DataContext = this;

    private void SetMenu(int key)
        switch (key)
            case 0:
            //You can add in as many cases as you need

What you then need is to set all the menus you want as separate Pages within your project files. 然后,您需要将所需的所有菜单设置为项目文件中的单独页面。 in this example, HomeMenu.xaml contains the grid for the menu people see upon starting up the app. 在此示例中,HomeMenu.xaml包含人们在启动应用程序时看到的菜单的网格。

This solved the problem, but thank you to everyone (StepUp) who contributed to the original (unfortunately unsuccessful) solution! 这样就解决了问题,但是感谢所有为原始(不幸的是失败的)解决方案做出贡献的人(StepUp)!

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