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无法从&#39;const std :: __ 1 :: basic_string转换 <char> 到&#39;std :: __ 1 :: basic_string <char> *”

[英]No viable conversion from 'const std::__1::basic_string<char> to 'std::__1::basic_string<char> *'

I'm currently working on an project for a class in which I've to implement cuckoo hashing in C++. 我目前正在为一个类的项目工作,该类必须在C ++中实现布谷鸟哈希。 The problem is, that C++ and I were never friends and I think we never will be... 问题是,我和C ++从来都不是朋友,我认为我们永远不会...

The concrete problem is, that I can't wangle to set an pointer on an already existing Object. 具体的问题是,我不能随意在已经存在的Object上设置指针。 When I do so, I get the compile error: 这样做时,出现编译错误:

No viable conversion from 'const std::__1::basic_string to 'std::__1::basic_string '* 从'const std :: __ 1 :: basic_string到'std :: __ 1 :: basic_string '* 没有可行的转换

The error occurs for both statements: 这两个语句均发生错误:

E * activeE = e;
E * tempE = v1[pos];

v1 is an array of E Objects. v1是E对象的数组。

I think this error is caused by my generally misunderstanding in the basic concept of C++. 我认为此错误是由于我对C ++基本概念的普遍误解引起的。 I think for you guys this problem is a joke, but I hope you help me anyway. 我认为对于你们来说,这个问题是个玩笑,但我还是希望您能为我提供帮助。

template <typename E, size_t N>
void Hashing<E,N>::add_(const E& e) {

    size_t pos = h1(e);
    size_t i = 0;

    E * activeE = e;
    E * tempE = v1[pos];

    while (i < nmax) {
        if (tempE == NULL) {
            v1[pos] = activeE;

        v1[pos] = activeE;
        activeE = tempE;

        pos = h2(activeE);
        tempE = v2[pos];

        if (tempE == NULL) {
            v2[pos] = activeE;

        v2[pos] = activeE;
        activeE = tempE;

        pos = h1(activeE);
        tempE = v1[pos];


I get the compile error: 我收到编译错误:

No viable conversion from 'const std::__1::basic_string to 'std::__1::basic_string" 无法从'const std :: __ 1 :: basic_string转换为'std :: __ 1 :: basic_string”

Are you sure? 你确定吗? I don't think that's what the error says. 我不认为那是错误的意思。 I bet it says: 我敢打赌说:

No viable conversion from 'const std::__1::basic_string to 'std::__1::basic_string*'

Note the extra * which is very significant, and is the source of your problem. 请注意,额外的* 非常重要,它是问题的根源。 You need to pay attention to the error messages, the details matter. 您需要注意错误消息,细节很重要。

A pointer is a variable that holds the address of something else, so to create a pointer to an object you need to use the "address of" operator, & , to get the address of that object. 指针是保存其他内容地址的变量,因此要创建指向对象的指针,您需要使用“地址”运算符&来获取该对象的地址。

E* activeE = &e;

Now you'll get the error you claimed to get, which is because e is const , but you are trying to create a non-const pointer to it. 现在,您会得到声称的错误,这是因为econst ,但是您正在尝试创建指向它的非const指针。 That is forbidden, because it would let you modify the const object through the pointer. 禁止这样做,因为它会让您通过指针修改const对象。 You need: 你需要:

const E* activeE = &e;

You have const E& e in Hashing<E,N>::add_ method, but inside of it you assign e to pointer to E - actually this should generate different error: 您在Hashing<E,N>::add_方法中具有const E& e ,但是在其中将e分配给指向E指针-实际上,这会产生不同的错误:

 'const std::__1::basic_string to 'std::__1::basic_string*"

so the fix, for this is to change: 因此解决方法是更改​​:

 E * activeE = e;
 E * tempE = v1[pos];


 const E * activeE = &e;
 const E * tempE = &v1[pos];

const E& e ... E * activeE = e;

I bet you missed a few select characters from that error message, such as * and & . 我敢打赌,您从该错误消息中错过了一些选择字符,例如*& You're trying to assign an E value to a pointer. 您正在尝试将E值分配给指针。

As you seem to be unclear about the difference between objects, values and addresses, I'm not going to guess whether v1 is an vector<E> or a vector<E*> . 您似乎不清楚对象,值和地址之间的区别,所以我不会猜测v1vector<E>还是vector<E*> And by extension, I'm not going to guess how the line should be fixed. 顺便说一句,我不会猜测应该如何固定该行。 There are at least two possible fixes with entirely different meanings. 至少有两个可能的含义完全不同的修补程序。


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