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转换 std::basic_string<Char> 串起来

[英]Convert std::basic_string<Char> to string

While MediaInfoDLL returns metadata (Sampling Rate, Channels, Stream Size, Title...) in std::basic_string<Char> format, I need to convert to string to be able to process it later.虽然 MediaInfoDLL 以std::basic_string<Char>格式返回元数据(采样率、通道、流大小、标题...),但我需要转换为字符串以便以后处理它。 For example mi.Get(Stream_Audio, 0, __T("Performer")) returns "Artist Name" in std::basic_string<Char> format.例如mi.Get(Stream_Audio, 0, __T("Performer"))std::basic_string<Char>格式返回“艺术家姓名”。

Can you help me?你能帮助我吗?

Thank you in advance先感谢您

Reading through the MediaInfoLib library's C++ code, it seems there are two possibilities.通读 MediaInfoLib 库的C++ 代码,似乎有两种可能性。 The library defines a type alias String , and this is the type you're seeing.该库定义了一个类型别名String ,这就是您看到的类型。

First, here is the definition of the Char and String types:首先, 这里是CharString类型的定义

namespace MediaInfoLib {

/* ... */

//Char types
#undef  __T
#define __T(__x)     __T(__x)
#if defined(UNICODE) || defined (_UNICODE)
    typedef wchar_t Char;                    ///< Unicode/Ansi independant char
    #undef  __T
    #define __T(__x) L ## __x
    typedef char Char;                       ///< Unicode/Ansi independant char
    #undef  __T
    #define __T(__x) __x

typedef std::basic_string<MediaInfoLib::Char> String;  ///< Unicode/Ansi independant string

/* ... */

}  // end namespace

If the macro UNICODE or _UNICODE was defined when the library was built, then the type is std::basic_string<wchar_t> , which is std::wstring in the standard library .如果在构建库时定义了宏UNICODE_UNICODE ,则类型为std::basic_string<wchar_t> ,即标准库中的std::wstring

To convert this to std::string , please see this question: How to convert wstring into string?要将其转换为std::string ,请参阅此问题: 如何将 wstring 转换为字符串?

The simplest answer there uses std::wstring_convert .最简单的答案是使用std::wstring_convert

If the macro UNICODE or _UNICODE was NOT defined when the library was built, then MediaInfoLib::Char is the type char , and the MediaInfoLib::String type is std::basic_string<char> is already std::string .如果在构建库时未定义宏UNICODE_UNICODE ,则MediaInfoLib::Charchar类型,而MediaInfoLib::String类型是std::basic_string<char>已经是std::string That is, in this case, the return type is already std::string .也就是说,在这种情况下,返回类型已经std::string

Convert std::basic_string<Char> to string ... Yes, this is builtin type charstd::basic_string<Char>转换为 string ... 是的,这是内置类型 char

If Char is an alias of char , then std::basic_string<Char> is already std::string .如果Charchar的别名,则std::basic_string<Char>已经是std::string No conversion is needed, since it is the same type.不需要转换,因为它是相同的类型。

MediaInfo has ZenLib as a dependency, which in turn has its own Ztring . MediaInfoZenLib作为依赖项,而Ztring又拥有自己的Ztring You can do something like this:你可以这样做:

#include "ZenLib/Ztring.h"
MediaInfoLib::String mediainfoString = mi.Get(Stream_Audio, 0, __T("Performer"));
ZenLib::Ztring zenlibZtring(mediainfoString);
std::string stdString = zenlibZtring.To_UTF8(); // or To_Local()

You can be slightly more efficient by directly using Ztring and skipping the intermediary mediainfoString .通过直接使用Ztring并跳过中间mediainfoString可以稍微提高效率。

ps std::wstring_convert() was deprecated in c++17 and should probably not be used. ps std::wstring_convert()在 c++17 中已弃用,可能不应使用。


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