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[英]RegExp: Matching everything except regex values in Javascript

What I want to achieve is to match every single word and character, except two, Two, TWO words. 我要实现的是匹配每个单词和字符,除了two, Two, TWO单词。 This code is part of a form validation, where two, Two, TWO are the answers for the captcha question: 此代码是表单验证的一部分,其中two, Two, TWO是验证码问题的答案:

//if(! event.target.validity.valid) {
if(! event.target.validity.valid && input.value === /(^(?!two$|Two$|TWO$).*)/gm) {
  elem.className = 'error';
  parentDiv.className += ' error-input';
  elem.style.display = 'block';

Unfortunately this is not working. 不幸的是,这不起作用。


I tried all regex here and finally the loop also, but still not working. 我在这里尝试了所有正则表达式,最后也尝试了循环,但仍然无法正常工作。 I copying here the entire function to have a more view what's going on: 我在这里复制整个功能,以查看发生了什么事:

var lang = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].getAttribute('lang');

(function() {
  function field(name, langif, langelse) {

    var elem = document.createElement('div');
    elem.style.display = 'none';

    var input = document.getElementById(name);
    var parentDiv = document.getElementsByClassName(name)[0];

    // Turning on when error is presented
    input.addEventListener('invalid', function(event) {
      if(!event.target.validity.valid && name !== 'captcha') {
        elem.className = 'error';
        parentDiv.className += ' error-input';
        elem.style.display = 'block';
      if(!event.target.validity.valid && name === 'captcha' && input.value === input.value.match(/(^(?!kettő$|ketto$|Kettő$|Ketto$|KETTŐ$|KETTO$|two$|Two$|TWO$).*)/gm)[0]) {
        elem.className = 'error-captcha';
        parentDiv.className += ' error-input-captcha';
        elem.style.display = 'block';
      if(!event.target.validity.valid && lang === 'hu-HU') {
        elem.textContent = langif;
      } else {
        elem.textContent = langelse;

    // Turning off when error is not presented
    input.addEventListener('input', function() {
      if(elem.style.display === 'block') {
        elem.className = '';
        elem.style.display = 'none';


  // Init function
  field('firstname', 'A keresztnév kötelező és/vagy számokat tartalmazott.', 'Firstname is required and/or the field had numbers.');
  field('surname', 'A vezetéknév kötelező és/vagy számokat tartalmazott.', 'Surname is required and/or the field had numbers.');
  field('email', 'Email cím kötelező. Ajánlott formátum: valami@domain.hu', 'Email address is required. Recommended format: something@domain.com');
  field('message', 'Üzenet mező kitöltése kötelező.', 'Message is required.');
  field('captcha', 'Captcha kitöltése kötelező.', 'Captcha is required.');


Expected behaviour: if input field is empty, than throw error. 预期行为:如果输入字段为空,则抛出错误。 if input field is not matching the described captcha answers, than throw error. 如果输入字段与所描述的验证码答案不匹配,则抛出错误。 Now only works if the input field is empty. 现在仅在输入字段为空时有效。

UPDATE 2: 更新2:

JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Lanti/ja77k6ca/2/ JSFiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/Lanti/ja77k6ca/2/

Only with relevant code: https://jsfiddle.net/Lanti/ja77k6ca/8/ 仅使用相关代码: https : //jsfiddle.net/Lanti/ja77k6ca/8/

This if statement is trying to see if input.value , a string , is equal to /(^(?!two$|Two$|TWO$).*)/gm , a regular expression . 这个if语句试图查看input.value一个字符串 )是否等于/( /(^(?!two$|Two$|TWO$).*)/gm 。*)/ /(^(?!two$|Two$|TWO$).*)/gm (一个正则表达式)

They are of different types, so they will never be equal. 它们是不同类型的,因此它们将永远不相等。

You should instead use String.prototype.match() to see if input.value matches the regular expression. 相反,您应该使用String.prototype.match()来查看input.value与正则表达式匹配。

This should give you the desired result: 这应该给您期望的结果:

// check to see if calling "match" on the
// regular expression returns the user input

if(! event.target.validity.valid && input.value === input.value.match(/(^(?!two$|Two$|TWO$).*)/gm)[0]) {
  elem.className = 'error';
  parentDiv.className += ' error-input';
  elem.style.display = 'block';

Why not just: 为什么不只是:

var captchaAnswers = {'two': true, 'Two': true, 'TWO': true};

if(!event.target.validity.valid && !(input.value in captchaAnswers)) {

EDIT: Your actual issue is coming from the invalid event not being fired on the input when the field is not empty. 编辑:您的实际问题来自无效事件,当字段不为空时,未在输入上触发无效事件。 To make it fire the event you should use the pattern attribute on the input element. 要使其触发事件,应在输入元素上使用pattern属性。

See an updated JSFiddle . 请参阅更新的JSFiddle

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