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[英]How can I pass a parameter into a resource without changing the route?

Basically, I need to get one parameter from my angular app to be used in my nodeJS service. 基本上,我需要从我的angular应用程序中获取一个参数,以便在nodeJS服务中使用。 I have a GET request that looks like this: 我有一个类似的GET请求:

resource: $resource(nodeRoute + '/test'. {}, {
    query: {
            method: 'GET',
            params: {
                offset: '@offset',
                limit: '@limit'
            isArray: true,
            url: ohio.resources.netreg + '/registrations'

Where 'offset' and 'limit' are what I am trying to pass in, via this call in my routeprovider's resolve block: 我要在路由提供者的resolve块中通过此调用传递“ offset”和“ limit”:

.when('/'. {
    templateUrl: 'views/home.html',
    title: 'test',
    resolve: {
        registrations: ['thisResource', function(thisResource){
            return thisResource.resource.query(0, 2).$promise

Where I'm trying to pass the values 0 and 2 in for offset and limit, so that I can then go on to use those values in my server side node stuff. 我尝试将0和2的值传递给offset和limit的地方,这样我就可以继续在服务器端节点中使用这些值了。 This works great if, in my resource, I hard code offset and limit to some values, but I need to update these values, thus this needs to work like I'm trying to do above. 如果在我的资源中我硬编码偏移量并将其限制为某些值,则此方法非常有用,但是我需要更新这些值,因此这需要像我在上面尝试做的那样工作。 What am I missing? 我想念什么? I'm assuming the @ character only works if I have a route like /:offset/:limit, but I can't really do that here. 我假设@字符仅在我有// offset /:limit之类的路由时才有效,但是我在这里不能真正做到这一点。

try this 尝试这个

resource: $resource(nodeRoute + '/test/:offset/:limit' {}, {
query: {
        method: 'GET',
        params: {
            offset: '@offset',
            limit: '@limit'
        isArray: true,
        url: ohio.resources.netreg + '/registrations'

and in resolve use this 并决心使用这个

 resolve: {
    registrations: ['thisResource', function(thisResource){
        return thisResource.resource.query({offset:0, limit:2}).$promise

If you dont want to specify the parameters via a get, then another option is using a post where you can specify params without necessarily appending to your url. 如果您不想通过get指定参数,那么另一个选择是使用post,您可以在其中指定参数而不必附加到您的url。

so in your node js you can access the post params like 所以在您的节点js中,您可以访问post参数,例如

postrouter.post('/test', function (req, res){
      //you can access your post params via req.body
      console.log(req.body)//gives you your passed objects

then in your resource instead of a get it'll be a post. 然后在您的资源中(而不是获取)它将是一个帖子。 in your controller you can pass your params like this in your resolve. 在您的控制器中,您可以在解析中传递这样的参数。

    resolve: {
    registrations: ['thisResource', function(thisResource){
        return thisResource.resource.query({offset:0, limit:2}).$promise

hope it helps.!! 希望能帮助到你。!!

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