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尝试在 JavaScript 中实现 Python 风格的 len()

[英]Trying to Implement Python-Style len() in JavaScript

I've been reading a lot about call() and bind() in JavaScript, specifically the Creating Shorcuts section on this MDN article .我已经阅读了很多关于 JavaScript 中的call()bind()的内容,特别是这篇MDN 文章中创建快捷方式部分。

I'm trying to implement the following Python-esque function in JS:我正在尝试在 JS 中实现以下 Python 风格的函数:

var arr = [1,2,3];
len(arr); // 3

I do realize this is a contrived example, but I'm trying to wrap my head around these methods.我确实意识到这是一个人为的例子,但我试图围绕这些方法。 Here's how I implemented it:这是我如何实施它:

var len = Function.prototype.call.bind( Array.prototype.slice.length );

When I run it, I get:当我运行它时,我得到:


TypeError: len is not a function
    at Object.<anonymous> (/private/var/folders/j6/3fs5_k3n17z_0j2xrwj6sphw0000gn/T/CodeRunner/Untitled 11.js:2:1)
    at Module._compile (module.js:435:26)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:442:10)
    at Module.load (module.js:356:32)
    at Function.Module._load (module.js:311:12)
    at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:467:10)
    at startup (node.js:136:18)
    at node.js:963:3

What am I missing here to understand how this works?我在这里缺少什么来理解它是如何工作的?

When you're setting the variable len , in your code, you're actually setting len to a copy of the function Function.prototype.call , with a this (context) of Array.prototype.slice.length .当您在代码中设置变量len ,实际上是将len设置为函数Function.prototype.call的副本,并带有Array.prototype.slice.lengththis (上下文)。

I think you're misunderstanding the use of bind().我认为您误解了 bind() 的使用。 Say I have a function len :假设我有一个函数len

var len = function() {
    return this.length;

And you wanted to get the length of an array:并且您想获取数组的长度:


In this case, this in len is the array [1,2,3] , because we used call to supply this .在这种情况下, len中的this是数组[1,2,3] ,因为我们使用call来提供this Say we want to permanently bind that array to that function and store it in a variable we can use anytime:假设我们想将该数组永久绑定到该函数并将其存储在一个我们可以随时使用的变量中:

var myArrayLen = len.bind([1,2,3]);

Now, myArrayLen is basically a copy of len, permanently bound with a this of [1,2,3] .现在, myArrayLen 基本上是 len 的副本,与[1,2,3]this永久绑定。 If we call it, it returns 3.如果我们调用它,它返回 3。

In your example, Array.prototype.slice.length is actually the length of the function Array.prototype.slice , which corresponds to the number of arguments that can be passed to the function .在您的示例中, Array.prototype.slice.length实际上是函数Array.prototype.slice的长度,它对应于可以传递给函数的参数数量

There is no built in length() function, so to follow your (admittedly) contrived example, we just need to make a function that provides the length, add it to the array prototype, and bind it using Function.prototype.apply.bind();没有内置的 length() 函数,因此按照您(诚然)人为设计的示例,我们只需要创建一个提供长度的函数,将其添加到数组原型中,然后使用Function.prototype.apply.bind();绑定它Function.prototype.apply.bind(); :

Array.prototype.len = function () { return this.length; };
var len = Function.prototype.apply.bind(Array.prototype.len);
len([1,2,3]); // 3

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