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Laravel 5.2:密码重置用户名的电子邮件

[英]Laravel 5.2 : Password reset email against username

My case is that a user's unique email can have many accounts . 我的情况是用户的唯一电子邮件可以有很多帐户。 Means that one email is associated with many accounts on unique username's. 表示一封电子邮件与唯一用户名上的许多帐户相关联。

My current code works for mail, I want to send email on their username, Means that user will enter his username then the email associate with that username will get the password reset link 我目前的代码适用于邮件,我想用他们的用户名发送电子邮件,意味着用户将输入他的用户名,然后与该用户名关联的电子邮件将获得密码重置链接

Current working code for direct email : 直接电子邮件的当前工作代码:

public function postEmail(Request $request)
    $validator = Validator::make(Input::get(),
            'email' => 'required|email'
    if ($validator->fails()) {
        return redirect()
            ->with('message', 'Please fix your form fields.')
            ->with('form', 'recover')
    $response = $this->passwords->sendResetLink($request->only('email'), function($message)
        $message->subject('Password Reminder');
    switch ($response)
        case PasswordBroker::RESET_LINK_SENT:
            return redirect()
                ->with('message', 'A verification email was sent to your email inbox.')
                ->with('form', 'recover')

        case PasswordBroker::INVALID_USER:

I have added the following line : 我添加了以下行:

$usernameToEmail = App\\User::where('name','=', Input::get());

And then i passed $usernameToEmail->email to 然后我通过$usernameToEmail->email

$response = $this->passwords->sendResetLink($usernameToEmail->email, 

          $message->subject('Password Reminder');

Which throws the following error : 这会引发以下错误:

Type error: Argument 1 passed to Illuminate\Auth\Passwords\PasswordBroker::sendResetLink() must be of the type array, string given

This is happening because the PasswordBroker is trying to retrieve a use by the credentials that you give and it will make a DB query to get a user. 发生这种情况是因为PasswordBroker正在尝试通过您提供的凭据检索使用情况,并且它将进行数据库查询以获取用户。 So if your username is unique you could do it like this: 因此,如果您的用户名是唯一的,您可以这样做:

    ['username' => $username], 

This will not work you need to have unique email and username. 这不起作用您需要具有唯一的电子邮件和用户名。

as token is generated against a unique users row in table and used when resetting. 因为令牌是针对表中的唯一用户行生成的,并在重置时使用。

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