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如何在Laravel 5.2中使用队列通过电子邮件发送密码重置链接

[英]How to send the password reset link via email using queue in laravel 5.2

I am trying to use the queue when resetting passwords in Laravel 5.2 using How to send the password reset link via email using queue in laravel 5 however I am getting the following error: 我在Laravel 5.2中使用如何在laravel 5中使用队列通过电子邮件发送密码重置链接来重置密码时尝试使用队列,但是出现以下错误:

ReflectionException in Container.php line 735: Class auth.password.tokens does not exist Container.php第735行中的ReflectionException:类auth.password.tokens不存在

How do I get around this? 我该如何解决?

Ok, I found the solution on GitHub Password Reset Queue Email . 好的,我在GitHub Password Reset Queue Email上找到了解决方案。 This solution includes PasswordBrokerManager. 该解决方案包括PasswordBrokerManager。 Additionally the default provider in config\\app.php is replaced by the new one App\\Providers\\PasswordResetServiceProvider.php 另外,config \\ app.php中的默认提供程序被新的一个App \\ Providers \\ PasswordResetServiceProvider.php取代。

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