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[英]How can I get new results from randint while in a loop?

My code thus far: 到目前为止,我的代码:

from random import randint

Dice1 = randint(1,6)
Dice2 = randint(1,6)
Dice3 = randint(1,6)

DiceRoll2 = Dice1 + Dice2
DiceRoll3 = Dice1 + Dice2 + Dice3

class Item(object):
    def __init__(self, name, value, desc):
        self.name = name
        self.value = value
        self.desc = desc

sword = Item("Sword", 2, "A regular sword.")

class Monster(object):
    def __init__(self, name, health, attack):
        self.name = name
        self.health = health
        self.attack = attack

monster = Monster("Monster", 50, DiceRoll2)

Damage = DiceRoll3 + sword.value
NewHealth = monster.health - Damage

print("You see a monster!")

while True:
    action = input("? ").lower().split()

    if action[0] == "attack":
        print("You swing your", sword.name, "for", Damage, "damage!")
        print("The", monster.name, "is now at", NewHealth, "HP!")

    elif action[0] == "exit":

The intension is that with every time you enter "attack" you get a random result of DiceRoll3 (three random numbers from 1 to 6, that three times), add the value of the sword and substract that from the monster's starting health. 意图是,每次输入“攻击”都会得到DiceRoll3的随机结果(从1到6的三个随机数,即3次),加上剑的值,并从怪物的初始生命值中减去该值。 This goes well until I enter "attack" a second time, which results in the same damage and the same reduced health being printed instead of using a new value. 这很好,直到我第二次输入“攻击”为止,这会导致相同的损坏和减少的运行状况打印,而不是使用新的值。 How can I properly do this? 我该怎么做呢?

Put your dice-rolling into a separate function and calculate Damage and NewHealth inside your loop. 将掷骰子放入一个单独的函数中,并在循环内计算DamageNewHealth (Also, update your Monster's health. :)) (另外,更新怪物的健康。:))

from random import randint

def dice_roll(times):
  sum = 0
  for i in range(times):
    sum += randint(1, 6)
  return sum

class Item(object):
  def __init__(self, name, value, desc):
    self.name = name
    self.value = value
    self.desc = desc

sword = Item("Sword", 2, "A regular sword.")

class Monster(object):
  def __init__(self, name, health, attack):
    self.name = name
    self.health = health
    self.attack = attack

monster = Monster("Monster", 50, dice_roll(2))

print("You see a monster!")

while True:
  action = input("? ").lower().split()

  if action[0] == "attack":
    Damage = dice_roll(3) + sword.value
    NewHealth = max(0, monster.health - Damage)   #prevent a negative health value
    monster.health = NewHealth                    #save the new health value
    print("You swing your", sword.name, "for", Damage, "damage!")
    print("The", monster.name, "is now at", NewHealth, "HP!")

  elif action[0] == "exit":

  if monster.health < 1:
    print("You win!")

You need to make the call to randint everytime. 您需要每次都致电randint。 Below is one way to do it 以下是一种方法

def Dice1(): return  randint(1,6)
def Dice2(): return  randint(1,6)
def Dice3(): return  randint(1,6)

This isn't great though because of all the repeated code. 但是由于所有重复的代码,这并不是很好。 Here is a better way 这是一个更好的方法

class Dice(object):
    def roll_dice(self):
        return randint(1,6)

Dice1 = Dice()
Dice2 = Dice()
Dice3 = Dice()

Now in your code where ever you call Dice1 , Dice2 or Dice3 ; 现在在您的代码中,无论您在哪里调用Dice1Dice2Dice3 instead call Dice1.roll_dice() , Dice2.roll_dice() , Dice3.roll_dice() . 而是调用Dice1.roll_dice()Dice2.roll_dice()Dice3.roll_dice() This abstract away the dice implementation and you are free to change it later without having to change your code. 这样就抽象了骰子实现,您以后可以随意更改它而不必更改代码。

If you need have dice with different number of faces, you only need to change your dice class 如果您需要具有不同面数的骰子,则只需更改骰子类别

class Dice(object):
    def __init__ (self, num_faces=6):
        self.faces = num_faces

    def roll_dice(self):
        return randint(1,self.faces)

Dice1 = Dice() # 6 faced die
Dice2 = Dice(20) # 20 faced die

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