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python pandas:将数据帧传递给df.apply

[英]python pandas: passing in dataframe to df.apply

Long time user of this site but first time asking a question! 这个网站的长期用户,但第一次问一个问题! Thanks to all of the benevolent users who have been answering questions for ages :) 感谢所有多年来一直回答问题的仁慈用户:)

I have been using df.apply lately and ideally want to pass a dataframe into the args parameter to look something like so: df.apply(testFunc, args=(dfOther), axis = 1) 我最近一直在使用df.apply ,理想情况下想要将数据帧传递给args参数,看起来像这样: df.apply(testFunc, args=(dfOther), axis = 1)

My ultimate goal is to iterate over the dataframe I am passing in the args parameter and check logic against each row of the original dataframe, say df , and return some value from dfOther . 我的最终目标是遍历我在args参数中传递的数据帧,并检查原始数据帧的每一行的逻辑,比如df ,并从dfOther返回一些值。 So say I have a function like this: 所以说我有这样的功能:

def testFunc(row, dfOther):
    for index, rowOther in dfOther.iterrows():
        if row['A'] == rowOther[0] and row['B'] == rowOther[1]:
            return dfOther.at[index, 'C']

df['OTHER'] = df.apply(testFunc, args=(dfOther), axis = 1)

My current understanding is that args expects a Series object, and so if I actually run this we get the following error: 我目前的理解是args需要一个Series对象,所以如果我实际运行它,我们会得到以下错误:

ValueError: The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. 
Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

However before I wrote testFunc which only passes in a single dataframe, I had actually written priorTestFunc , which looks like this... And it works! 然而,在我编写仅在单个数据帧中传递的testFunc之前,我实际上已经写了priorTestFunc ,它看起来像这样......而且它有效!

def priorTestFunc(row, dfOne, dfTwo):
    for index, rowOne in dfOne.iterrows():
        if row['A'] == rowOne[0] and row['B'] == rowOne[1]:
            return dfTwo.at[index, 'C']

df['OTHER'] = df.apply(testFunc, args=(dfOne, dfTwo), axis = 1)

So to my dismay I have been coming into the habit of writing testFunc like so and it has been working as intended: 所以令我沮丧的是,我一直习惯于像这样编写testFunc并且它一直按预期工作:

def testFunc(row, dfOther, _):
    for index, rowOther in dfOther.iterrows():
        if row['A'] == rowOther[0] and row['B'] == rowOther[1]:
            return dfOther.at[index, 'C']

df['OTHER'] = df.apply(testFunc, args=(dfOther, _), axis = 1)

I would really appreciate if someone could let me know why this would be the case and maybe errors that I will be prone to, or maybe another alternative for solving this kind of problem!! 我真的很感激,如果有人能让我知道为什么会出现这种情况,也许我会倾向于错误,或者可能是解决这类问题的另一种选择!

EDIT: As requested by the comment: My dfs generally look like the below.. They will have two matching columns and will be returning a value from the dfOther.at[index, column] I have considered pd.concat([dfOther, df]) however I will be running an algorithm testing conditions on df and then updating it accordingly from specific values on dfOther (which will also be updating) and I would like df to be relatively neat, as opposed to making a multindex and throwing just about everything in it. 编辑:根据评论的要求:我的dfs通常如下所示..他们将有两个匹配的列,将从dfOther.at[index, column]返回一个值我认为是pd.concat([dfOther, df])但是我将在df上运行一个算法测试条件,然后根据dfOther上的特定值(也将更新)相应地更新它,我希望df相对整齐,而不是制作一个多索引并抛出一切都在里面。 Also I am aware df.iterrows is in general slow, but these dataframes will be about 500 rows at the max, so scalability isn't really a massive concern for me at the moment. 另外我知道df.iterrows通常很慢,但是这些数据帧最多只有500行,所以目前可扩展性对我来说并不是一个大问题。

    A    B      C
0  foo  bur   6000
1  foo  bur   7000
2  foo  bur   8000
3  bar  kek   9000
4  bar  kek  10000
5  bar  kek  11000

    A    B      C
0  foo  bur   1000
1  foo  bur   2000
2  foo  bur   3000
3  bar  kek   4000
4  bar  kek   5000
5  bar  kek   6000

The error is in this line: 错误在这一行:

  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\p2\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.py", line 4017, in apply
    if kwds or args and not isinstance(func, np.ufunc):

Here, if kwds or args is checking whether the length of args passed to apply is greater than 0. It is a common way to check if an iterable is empty: 这里, if kwds or args正在检查传递给applyargs的长度是否大于0.这是检查iterable是否为空的常用方法:

l = []

if l:
    print("l is not empty!")
    print("l is empty!")

l is empty!

l = [1]

if l:
    print("l is not empty!")
    print("l is empty!")

l is not empty!

If you had passed a tuple to df.apply as args , it would return True and there wouldn't be a problem. 如果你已经将一个元组作为args传递给df.apply ,那么它将返回True并且不存在问题。 However, Python does not interpret (df) as a tuple: 但是,Python不会将(df)解释为元组:

Out[39]: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame

It is just a DataFrame/variable inside parentheses. 它只是括号内的DataFrame /变量。 When you type if df : 键入if df

if df:
    print("df is not empty")

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "<ipython-input-40-c86da5a5f1ee>", line 1, in <module>
    if df:

  File "C:\Anaconda3\envs\p2\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py", line 887, in __nonzero__

ValueError: The truth value of a DataFrame is ambiguous. Use a.empty, a.bool(), a.item(), a.any() or a.all().

You get the same error message. 您收到相同的错误消息。 However, if you use a comma to indicate that it'a tuple, it works fine: 但是,如果你使用逗号来表示它是一个元组,它可以正常工作:

if (df, ):
    print("tuple is not empty")

tuple is not empty

As a result, adding a comma to args=(dfOther) by making it a singleton should solve the problem. 因此,通过使逗号成为单例来为args=(dfOther)添加逗号可以解决问题。

df['OTHER'] = df.apply(testFunc, args=(dfOther, ), axis = 1)

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