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[英]How to adjust the height of the Mahapps window to minimum height

I would like to adjust the height of the Mahapps window to very minimum (say just 5) with ShowTitlebar=false. 我想用ShowTitlebar = false将Mahapps窗口的高度调整到最小(比如说5)。 If I try to resize the window by dragging the corner, I can resize only upto about 36 (which is titlebar height). 如果我尝试通过拖动角来调整窗口大小,则只能将其最大调整为36(标题栏高度)。

<Controls:MetroWindow x:Class="TestWPF.MahappsWindow1"
    Title="MahappsWindow1" Height="300" Width="300"
    UseNoneWindowStyle="True" MinHeight="1" MinWidth="1" ShowTitleBar="False">


I can resize upto with the below snap shot height: Mahapps Screenshot 我可以使用以下快照高度调整大小: Mahapps屏幕截图

However, the window height can be adjusted in Windows and ModernUI when the WindowStyle is set to none. 但是,当WindowStyle设置为none时,可以在Windows和ModernUI中调整窗口高度。

The below modern ui code can resize to minimum height of 1. 下面的现代ui代码可以调整为最小高度1。

<mui:ModernWindow x:Class="TestWPF.ModernWindow1"
              Height="400" Width="400" WindowStyle="None"
              MinHeight="1" MinWidth="100" IsTitleVisible="False" 
              Title="ModernWindow" ResizeMode="CanResize"   
              LogoData="F1 M 24.9015,43.0378L 25.0963,43.4298C 26.1685,49.5853 31.5377,54.2651 38,54.2651C 44.4623,54.2651 49.8315,49.5854 50.9037,43.4299L 51.0985,43.0379C 51.0985,40.7643 52.6921,39.2955 54.9656,39.2955C 56.9428,39.2955 58.1863,41.1792 58.5833,43.0379C 57.6384,52.7654 47.9756,61.75 38,61.75C 28.0244,61.75 18.3616,52.7654 17.4167,43.0378C 17.8137,41.1792 19.0572,39.2954 21.0344,39.2954C 23.3079,39.2954 24.9015,40.7643 24.9015,43.0378 Z M 26.7727,20.5833C 29.8731,20.5833 32.3864,23.0966 32.3864,26.197C 32.3864,29.2973 29.8731,31.8106 26.7727,31.8106C 23.6724,31.8106 21.1591,29.2973 21.1591,26.197C 21.1591,23.0966 23.6724,20.5833 26.7727,20.5833 Z M 49.2273,20.5833C 52.3276,20.5833 54.8409,23.0966 54.8409,26.197C 54.8409,29.2973 52.3276,31.8106 49.2273,31.8106C 46.127,31.8106 43.6136,29.2973 43.6136,26.197C 43.6136,23.0966 46.127,20.5833 49.2273,20.5833 Z" Loaded="ModernWindow_Loaded"



I can resize upto with the below snap shot height of 1: Modern UI screenshot 我可以使用以下快照高度1调整大小: Modern UI屏幕截图

Is there way I can reduce the size of Mahapps window to minumum height of less than 36 without titlebar. 有没有办法我可以将Mahapps窗口的大小减小到最小高度(小于36)而没有标题栏。

You need to divide grid in % manner than use binding: 您需要以%方式划分网格,而不是使用绑定:

Width="{Binding ActualWidth, ElementName=YourElementName, Mode=OneWay}"
Height="{Binding ActualHeight, ElementName=YourElementName, Mode=OneWay}"

This is a bug with Mahapps. 这是Mahapps的错误。 It is not possible to resize the mahapps window beyond titlebar height. 无法将mahapps窗口的大小调整到超过标题栏的高度。

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