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How to adjust the height of the Mahapps window to minimum height

I would like to adjust the height of the Mahapps window to very minimum (say just 5) with ShowTitlebar=false. If I try to resize the window by dragging the corner, I can resize only upto about 36 (which is titlebar height).

<Controls:MetroWindow x:Class="TestWPF.MahappsWindow1"
    Title="MahappsWindow1" Height="300" Width="300"
    UseNoneWindowStyle="True" MinHeight="1" MinWidth="1" ShowTitleBar="False">


I can resize upto with the below snap shot height: Mahapps Screenshot

However, the window height can be adjusted in Windows and ModernUI when the WindowStyle is set to none.

The below modern ui code can resize to minimum height of 1.

<mui:ModernWindow x:Class="TestWPF.ModernWindow1"
              Height="400" Width="400" WindowStyle="None"
              MinHeight="1" MinWidth="100" IsTitleVisible="False" 
              Title="ModernWindow" ResizeMode="CanResize"   
              LogoData="F1 M 24.9015,43.0378L 25.0963,43.4298C 26.1685,49.5853 31.5377,54.2651 38,54.2651C 44.4623,54.2651 49.8315,49.5854 50.9037,43.4299L 51.0985,43.0379C 51.0985,40.7643 52.6921,39.2955 54.9656,39.2955C 56.9428,39.2955 58.1863,41.1792 58.5833,43.0379C 57.6384,52.7654 47.9756,61.75 38,61.75C 28.0244,61.75 18.3616,52.7654 17.4167,43.0378C 17.8137,41.1792 19.0572,39.2954 21.0344,39.2954C 23.3079,39.2954 24.9015,40.7643 24.9015,43.0378 Z M 26.7727,20.5833C 29.8731,20.5833 32.3864,23.0966 32.3864,26.197C 32.3864,29.2973 29.8731,31.8106 26.7727,31.8106C 23.6724,31.8106 21.1591,29.2973 21.1591,26.197C 21.1591,23.0966 23.6724,20.5833 26.7727,20.5833 Z M 49.2273,20.5833C 52.3276,20.5833 54.8409,23.0966 54.8409,26.197C 54.8409,29.2973 52.3276,31.8106 49.2273,31.8106C 46.127,31.8106 43.6136,29.2973 43.6136,26.197C 43.6136,23.0966 46.127,20.5833 49.2273,20.5833 Z" Loaded="ModernWindow_Loaded"



I can resize upto with the below snap shot height of 1: Modern UI screenshot

Is there way I can reduce the size of Mahapps window to minumum height of less than 36 without titlebar.

You need to divide grid in % manner than use binding:

Width="{Binding ActualWidth, ElementName=YourElementName, Mode=OneWay}"
Height="{Binding ActualHeight, ElementName=YourElementName, Mode=OneWay}"

This is a bug with Mahapps. It is not possible to resize the mahapps window beyond titlebar height.

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