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[英]How to draw Japanese text with SkiaSharp on Xamarin

Now I'm using SkiaSharp on Xamarin Android. 现在我在Xamarin Android上使用SkiaSharp。

I wanna draw Japanese text with SKCanvas.DrawText ,but japanese characters were garbled. 我想用SKCanvas.DrawText绘制日文文本,但是日文字符是乱码。

I saw this similar question ,so I tried to convert text to UTF-8, but result is same. 我看到了类似的问题 ,所以我尝试将文本转换为UTF-8,但结果是一样的。

I tried like below. 我尝试过如下。

var s = "abcあいう123壱弐参";
var buf = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
var utf8s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf);
skcanvas.DrawText(utf8s, 50, 50, paint);

another one. 另一个。

var s = "abcあいう123壱弐参";
var dest = Encoding.UTF8;
var src = Encoding.Default;
var buf = src.GetBytes(s);
var buf2 = Encoding.Convert(src,dest, buf);
var utf8s = dest.GetString(buf2);
skcanvas.DrawText(utf8s, 50, 50, paint);

Both result are same. 两个结果都是一样的。 "abc" and "123" is drawn well,but Japanese character are garbled. “abc”和“123”画得很好,但是日文字符是乱码。

Any idea? 任何的想法?

Assuming you are loading a custom font, like Uzumasa Honmaru Gothic , you can add it to each of your native platform project and then use it via that native project or a Xamarin.Forms -based one: 假设您正在加载自定义字体,例如Uzumasa Honmaru Gothic ,您可以将其添加到每个本机平台项目中,然后通过该本机项目或基于Xamarin.Forms的项目使用它:

Android: 安卓:

string fontName = "UzumasaFontMini.otf";
string fontPath = Path.Combine (CacheDir.AbsolutePath, fontName);
using (var asset = Assets.Open (fontName))
using (var dest = File.Open (fontPath, FileMode.Create)) {
    asset.CopyTo (dest);
string customFontPath = fontPath;

iOS: iOS版:

string fontName = "UzumasaFontMini.otf";
string customFontPath = NSBundle.MainBundle.PathForResource (Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension (fontName), Path.GetExtension (fontName));

DrawText: DrawText的:

string text = "abcあいう123";
using (var paint = new SKPaint ()) {
    canvas.Clear (SKColors.Black);
    paint.IsAntialias = true;

    using (var tf = SKTypeface.FromFile (customFontPath)) {
        paint.Color = SKColors.White;
        paint.TextSize = 20;
        paint.Typeface = tf;

        canvas.DrawText (text, 50, 50, paint);

Android: 安卓:


iOS: iOS版:


You can use "matchCharacter()", input param might be just a Japanese character, like "あ" 你可以使用“matchCharacter()”,输入参数可能只是一个日文字符,比如“あ”

var japanese = fontManager.MatchCharacter("Courier New", '年')
paint.Typeface = japanese;
canvas.DrawText("abcあいう123", x, 300, paint);

Refer link: https://github.com/mono/SkiaSharp/blob/master/samples/SkiaSharpSample.Shared/Samples/UnicodeTextSample.cs 参考链接: https//github.com/mono/SkiaSharp/blob/master/samples/SkiaSharpSample.Shared/Samples/UnicodeTextSample.cs

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