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C ++无锁堆栈已损坏

[英]C++ lock-free stack is corrupt

i am trying to implement a lockfree stack to be usable with external managed memory from a bounded plain c array. 我试图实现一个无锁堆栈,可以从有界普通c数组的外部托管内存中使用。 I know reference implementations (like from Anthony Williams: Concurrency in Action) and other books and blogs/article around the web. 我知道参考实现(如来自Anthony Williams:Concurrency in Action)以及其他书籍和博客/网络文章。

The implementation follows those references and avoids the ABA problem, because external memory locations are addressed using unique indexes, rather than recycled pointers. 实现遵循这些引用并避免ABA问题,因为外部存储器位置使用唯一索引而不是循环指针来寻址。 Therefore it does not need to deal with mem managment at all and is simple. 因此它根本不需要处理mem管理并且很简单。

I wrote some tests that execute pop and push operations on that stack under high load and contention (stress tests) and single threaded. 我写了一些测试,在高负载和争用(压力测试)和单线程下对该堆栈执行pop和push操作。 The former fail with strange problems, that I do not understand and to me look obscure. 前者因奇怪的问题而失败,我不理解,对我来说看起来模糊不清。

Maybe someone has an idea ? 也许有人有想法?

  1. Problem: Pushing an already popped node back to the stack fails, because precondition is violated that node has no successor (next). 问题:将已经弹出的节点推回堆栈失败,因为违反了前提条件,该节点没有后继节点(下一个节点)。


    Reproduction setup: At least 3 threads and a capacity of ~16. 再现设置:至少3个线程,容量约为16。 Around 500 passes. 大约500次传球。 Then push op fails. 然后推op失败。

  2. Problem: Number of elements popped by all threads and number of elements left in stack after join do not match capacity (nodes lost in transition). 问题:所有线程弹出的元素数和连接后堆栈中剩余的元素数与容量不匹配(转换中丢失的节点)。

     BOOST_ASSERT(aNodes.size()+nPopped == nCapacity); 

    Reproduction setup: 2 threads and capacity 2. Requires a lot of passes to occur, for me at least 700. After that head of stack is 0, but only one node is present in popped container. 再现设置:2个线程和容量2.需要大量的传递,对我来说至少700.在堆栈头为0之后,但弹出的容器中只有一个节点。 Node {2,0} is dangling. 节点{2,0}悬空。

I compiled with vs2005, vs2013 and vs2015. 我用vs2005,vs2013和vs2015编译。 All have the same problem (vs2005 is also the reason that code looks C++03 like). 所有都有相同的问题(vs2005也是代码看起来像C ++ 03的原因)。

Here is the basic code for node+stack 这是节点+堆栈的基本代码

template <typename sizeT> struct node
  sizeT         cur;  //!< construction invariant
  atomic<sizeT> next;
  atomic<sizeT> data;

  explicit node() // invalid node
    : cur(0), next(0), data(0)

  explicit node(sizeT const& nCur, sizeT const& nNext, sizeT const& nData)
    : cur(nCur), next(nNext), data(nData)

  node& operator=(node const& rhs)
    cur  = rhs.cur;
    return *this;

template <typename sizeT> struct stack
  static memory_order const relaxed = memory_order_relaxed;
  atomic<sizeT> m_aHead;

  explicit stack(sizeT const& nHead) : m_aHead(nHead) {}

  template <typename tagT, typename T, std::size_t N>
  typename enable_if<is_same<tagT,Synchronized>,sizeT>::type
  pop(T (&aNodes)[N])
    sizeT nOldHead = m_aHead.load();

      if(!nOldHead) return 0;

      BOOST_ASSERT(nOldHead <= N);
      T& aOldHead = aNodes[nOldHead-1];
      sizeT const nNewHead = aOldHead.next.load(/*relaxed*/);
      BOOST_ASSERT(nNewHead <= N);
      sizeT const nExpected = nOldHead;

        BOOST_ASSERT(nExpected == nOldHead);

        // <--- from here on aOldHead is thread local ---> //
        aOldHead.next.store(0 /*,relaxed*/);

        return nOldHead;

      // TODO: add back-off strategy under contention (use loop var)

  template <typename tagT, typename T, std::size_t N>
  typename enable_if<is_same<tagT,Synchronized>,void>::type
  push(T (&aNodes)[N], sizeT const& nNewHead)
#ifndef NDEBUG
      BOOST_ASSERT(0 < nNewHead && nNewHead <= N);
      sizeT const nNext = aNodes[nNewHead-1].next;

    sizeT nOldHead = m_aHead.load(/*relaxed*/);

      aNodes[nNewHead-1].next.store(nOldHead /*,relaxed*/);
      sizeT const nExpected = nOldHead;
      BOOST_ASSERT(nOldHead <= N);

        BOOST_ASSERT(nExpected == nOldHead);

      // TODO: add back-off strategy under contention (use loop var)

and the quite noisy test class 和相当嘈杂的测试类

class StackTest

  typedef boost::mpl::size_t<64> Capacity;
  //typedef boost::uint_t<static_log2_ceil<Capacity::value>::value>::least    size_type;
  typedef std::size_t size_type;

  static size_type const nCapacity = Capacity::value;
  static size_type const nNodes = Capacity::value;

  typedef node<size_type>  Node;
  typedef stack<size_type> Stack;

  typedef mt19937                                        Twister;
  typedef random::uniform_int_distribution<std::size_t>  Distribution;
  typedef variate_generator<Twister,Distribution>        Die;

  struct Data //!< shared along threads
    Node  m_aNodes[nNodes];
    Stack m_aStack;

    explicit Data() : m_aStack(nNodes)
      m_aNodes[0] = Node(1,0,0); // tail of stack

      for(size_type i=1; i<nNodes; ++i)
        m_aNodes[i] = Node(static_cast<size_type>(i+1),i,0);

    template <typename syncT>
    void Run(
      uuids::random_generator& aUUIDGen,
      std::size_t const&       nPasses,
      std::size_t const&       nThreads)
      std::vector<ThreadLocalData>  aThreadLocalDatas(nThreads,ThreadLocalData(*this));

        static std::size_t const N = 100000;
        Die aRepetition(Twister(hash_value(aUUIDGen())),Distribution(0,N));
        Die aAction(Twister(hash_value(aUUIDGen())),Distribution(0,1));

        for(std::size_t i=0; i<nThreads; ++i)
          std::vector<bool>& aActions = aThreadLocalDatas[i].m_aActions;
          std::size_t const nRepetition = aRepetition();

          for(std::size_t k=0; k<nRepetition; ++k)

      std::size_t nPopped = 0;

      if(nThreads == 1)
        std::size_t const i = 0;
        nPopped += aThreadLocalDatas[i].m_aPopped.size();
        std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<thread> > aThreads;

        for(std::size_t i=0; i<nThreads; ++i)

        for(std::size_t i=0; i<nThreads; ++i)
          nPopped += aThreadLocalDatas[i].m_aPopped.size();

      std::vector<size_type> aNodes;

      while(size_type const nNode = m_aStack.pop<syncT>(m_aNodes))

      std::clog << dump(m_aNodes,4) << std::endl;

      BOOST_ASSERT(aNodes.size()+nPopped == nCapacity);

  struct ThreadLocalData //!< local to each thread
    Data&                  m_aData;    //!< shared along threads
    std::vector<bool>      m_aActions; //!< either pop or push
    std::vector<size_type> m_aPopped;   //!< popp'ed nodes

    explicit ThreadLocalData(Data& aData)
      : m_aData(aData), m_aActions(), m_aPopped()

    template <typename syncT>
    void Run(std::size_t const& k)
      BOOST_FOREACH(bool const& aAction, m_aActions)
          if(size_type const nNode = m_aData.m_aStack.pop<syncT>(m_aData.m_aNodes))
            size_type const nNode = m_aPopped.back();
            size_type const nNext = m_aData.m_aNodes[nNode-1].next;
            ASSERT_IF(!nNext,"nNext=" << nNext << " for " << m_aData.m_aNodes[nNode-1] << "\n\n" << dump(m_aData.m_aNodes));

  template <typename syncT>
  static void PushPop(
    uuids::random_generator& aUUIDGen,
    std::size_t const&       nPasses,
    std::size_t const&       nThreads)
    BOOST_ASSERT(nThreads > 0);
    BOOST_ASSERT(nThreads == 1 || (is_same<syncT,Synchronized>::value));

    std::clog << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << " with threads=" << nThreads << std::endl;

    for(std::size_t nPass=0; nPass<nPasses; ++nPass)
      std::ostringstream s;
      s << "  " << nPass << "/" << nPasses << ": ...";
      std::clog << s.str() << std::endl;



  static void Run()
    typedef StackTest self_t;

    uuids::random_generator aUUIDGen;

    static std::size_t const nMaxPasses = 1000;
    Die aPasses(Twister(hash_value(aUUIDGen())),Distribution(0,nMaxPasses));

     //std::size_t const nThreads = 2; // thread::hardware_concurrency()+1;
      std::size_t const nThreads = thread::hardware_concurrency()+1;

Here is a link to download all required files. 这是一个下载所有必需文件的链接

Both problems are just another facet of the ABA problem. 这两个问题只是ABA问题的另一个方面。

stack: {2,1},{1,0} 堆栈:{2,1},{1,0}

  1. Thread A 线程A.
    1. pop 流行的
      new_head=1 new_head = 1
      ... time slice exceeded ...超过时间片
  2. Thread B 线程B.
    1. pop 流行的
      stack: {1,0}, popped: {2,0} 堆栈:{1,0},弹出:{2,0}
    2. pop 流行的
      stack: {}, popped: {2,0}, {1,0} stack:{},popped:{2,0},{1,0}
    3. push({2,0}) 推({2,0})
      stack: {2,0} 堆栈:{2,0}
  3. Thread A 线程A.
    1. pop continued 流行继续
      cmp_exch succeeds, because head is 2 cmp_exch成功,因为头是2
      stack: {}, head=1 --- WRONG, 0 would be correct stack:{},head = 1 --- WRONG,0是正确的

Any problems may arise, because access to nodes is not thread local anymore. 可能会出现任何问题,因为对节点的访问不再是线程本地的。 This includes unexpected modifications of next for popped nodes (problem 1) or lost nodes (problem 2). 这包括弹出节点(问题1)或丢失节点(问题2)的下一个意外修改。

head+next need to be modified in one cmp_exch to avoid that problem. head + next需要在一个cmp_exch中修改以避免该问题。

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