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[英]Is there a way to warn about using JavaScript features not supported in IE versions?

I am working in a shop that uses Typescript for most new development so we are very used to using ES6 features like arrow functions and have them made safe for Internet Explorer by the transpilation step. 我在一家使用Typescript进行大多数新开发的商店里工作,所以我们非常习惯使用箭头功能之类的ES6功能,并通过转换步骤使它们对于Internet Explorer而言是安全的。 But this week I had to edit an existing js file (which has no transpilation) and stupidly used an arrow function. 但是这周我不得不编辑一个现有的js文件(没有转译),并且愚蠢地使用了箭头功能。 This worked fine in my modern development browsers, but broke in QA under IE 9. 这在我的现代开发浏览器中工作正常,但是在IE 9下进行了质量检查。

So I know this is my dumb mistake, but I am wondering if there is tooling that can warn if features that do not meet a particular browser version are used to use as double check? 因此,我知道这是我的愚蠢错误,但是我想知道是否有工具可以警告是否使用不符合特定浏览器版本的功能来进行双重检查? If this has a Visual Studio integration that would be wonderful, but I have no problem adding a command line step to my work flow. 如果它具有Visual Studio集成,那就太好了,但是我没有问题,可以在我的工作流程中添加命令行步骤。 I looked at ESHint but didn't see that sort of rule. 我看着ESHint,但没有看到这样的规则。

If you're just talking IE (I know nothing of Typescript) and Visual Studio, you can use the following in VS: 如果您只是在谈论IE(我对Typescript一无所知)和Visual Studio,则可以在VS中使用以下内容:

    WinPath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("SystemRoot")   ''MsgBox(WinPath)

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim ver = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(WinPath & "\system32\ieframe.dll")
    Dim IE = Val(ver.ProductVersion) ''MsgBox(IE)

This will return the local machine IE version - is this what you want? 这将返回本地计算机的IE版本-这是您想要的吗?

If not, Javascript can detect which browser it is being used by with this script: 如果不是,则Javascript可以检测到该脚本正在使用哪个浏览器:

var browser=navigator.userAgent;
var IE=browser.search(/(MSIE ?[7891]|Trident|Edge\/)/i);    //=-1: not MS
if (IE!=-1) {
    if (T.search(/^M/)==0) IE=parseInt(T.substr(4));
    else if (T.search(/^T/)==0) IE=11;
    else IE=12; //Edge
else IE=13; //not IE,Edge

Put it your onload function and react accordingly (OK, so it only does IE version, Edge, or other... but ...) 将其放在您的onload函数中并做出相应的反应(好吧,所以它仅适用于IE版本,Edge或其他版本,但是...)


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