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[英]How to use factories during the config phase (angular)

In my project I have a couple of provider s which I initialise during startup 在我的项目中,我有几个provider ,我在启动时进行了初始化

angular.module('myApp', [])
    .config((barFooProvider, ....) => {
        barFooProvider.setAPIPath = '/a/b/c';

As you can see I define an api-path here which is a string. 如您所见,我在这里定义了一个api路径,它是一个字符串。 But how can I set for example a factory ? 但是我该如何设置工厂? Or is the only way to define the name of the service and later on use the $injector ? 还是定义服务名称并随后使用$ injector的唯一方法?

You could use the $inject property annotation ( docs ) on the $get method of your provider: 您可以在提供程序的$get方法上使用$inject属性注释( docs ):

myApp.provider('test', function() {

    this.setFactoryName = function(name) {
        this.$get.$inject = [name];

    this.$get = function(factory) {
        return { 
            getMessageFromFactory: function() {
                return factory.msg;

    // set default value


then configure it this way: 然后以这种方式配置它:


This way the required factory will be injected to the $get method of your provider upon service instantiation. 这样,所需的工厂将在服务实例化时注入到提供者的$get方法中。

You just can use Providers in Config Phase 您只可以在配置阶段使用提供程序
In other words Providers are Configurable in AngularJs 换句话说,提供者可以在AngularJs中配置
May be this link would be helpfull 也许这个链接会有所帮助

providers are the only services that can be used in config phase! 提供者是可在配置阶段使用的唯一服务!

app.provider('test', function() {

  // set default path
  var APIPath = 'a/b/c';

  function setAPIPath(path) {
       APIPath =  path;


angular.module('app', []).config(function(testProvider) {
  // set path during config

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