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How to use factories during the config phase (angular)

In my project I have a couple of provider s which I initialise during startup

angular.module('myApp', [])
    .config((barFooProvider, ....) => {
        barFooProvider.setAPIPath = '/a/b/c';

As you can see I define an api-path here which is a string. But how can I set for example a factory ? Or is the only way to define the name of the service and later on use the $injector ?

You could use the $inject property annotation ( docs ) on the $get method of your provider:

myApp.provider('test', function() {

    this.setFactoryName = function(name) {
        this.$get.$inject = [name];

    this.$get = function(factory) {
        return { 
            getMessageFromFactory: function() {
                return factory.msg;

    // set default value


then configure it this way:


This way the required factory will be injected to the $get method of your provider upon service instantiation.

You just can use Providers in Config Phase
In other words Providers are Configurable in AngularJs
May be this link would be helpfull

providers are the only services that can be used in config phase!

app.provider('test', function() {

  // set default path
  var APIPath = 'a/b/c';

  function setAPIPath(path) {
       APIPath =  path;


angular.module('app', []).config(function(testProvider) {
  // set path during config

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