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[英]Penalty function method

I am trying to implement penalty function method for minimizing function. 我正在尝试实现罚函数方法以最小化函数。 I need to find the minimum of Rosenbrok's function . 我需要找到Rosenbrok的最小功能

I am using this penalty function: 我正在使用这个惩罚功能:



First of all, I have found the minimum using scipy.optimize.minimize : 首先,我发现使用scipy.optimize.minimize的最小值:

from scipy.optimize import minimize, rosen
rz = lambda x: (1-x[0])**2 + 100*(x[1] - x[0]**2)**2;
h_1 = lambda x: (x[0] - 2 * x[1] + 2);
h_2 = lambda x: (-x[0] - 2 * x[1] + 6);
h_3 = lambda x: (-x[0] + 2 * x[1] + 2);

x0 = [2.3, 5];
cons = ({'type': 'ineq', 'fun': h_1},
       {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': h_2},
       {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': h_3}) 
minimize(rz, x0, constraints=cons)

The answer is x : array([ 0.99971613, 0.99942073]) 答案是xarray([ 0.99971613, 0.99942073])

Then I am trying to find the minimum using my implementation of penalty method: 然后我试图找到使用我的惩罚方法实现的最小值:

x_c = [2.3, 3];
i = 1;
while i < 1000:
    curr_func = lambda x: rz(x) + i*(h_1(x)**2 + h_2(x)**2 + h_3(x)**2)
    x_c = minimize(curr_func, x_c).x;
    i  *= 1.2;

Which gives me [ 2.27402022 1.4157964 ] (if I increase the number of iterations, final values are even greater). 这给了我[ 2.27402022 1.4157964 ] (如果我增加迭代次数,最终值会更大)。

Where is the mistake in my implementation? 我的实施中的错误在哪里? Thanks. 谢谢。

PS Function curr_func is specific for my constraints, of course, when they are all 'inequals' type. PS函数curr_func特定于我的约束,当然,它们都是'inequals'类型。

The problem you have is that the h_i in your formula are for equality constraints, whereas the problem you are solving is for inequality constraints, which correspond to the g_i in your formula. 您遇到的问题是公式中的h_i用于等式约束,而您要解决的问题是不等式约束,它们对应于公式中的g_i Hence, your penalty function should be using terms like min(0, h_1(x))**2 instead of h_1(x)**2 . 因此,您的惩罚函数应使用min(0, h_1(x))**2h_1(x)**2而不是h_1(x)**2 To see why this is the case, just think about what happens if i = 1000 and x is the desired solution (1, 1) . 要了解为什么会出现这种情况,只需考虑如果i = 1000x是所需解决方案(1, 1)会发生什么。 Then, the penalty will include a term i * h_1(x)**2 = 1000 , which is huge. 然后,惩罚将包括一个术语i * h_1(x)**2 = 1000 ,这是巨大的。

Note that I used min instead of max because it seems like the inequality you want to enforce is h_1(x) >= 0 . 请注意,我使用min而不是max因为您想要强制执行的不等式似乎是h_1(x) >= 0 That means as long as h_1(x) >= 0 , the penalty should be zero, but as soon as h_1(x) goes negative, you start penalizing. 这意味着只要h_1(x) >= 0 ,惩罚就应该为零,但只要h_1(x)变为负数,就会开始惩罚。 If it's actually h_1(x) <= 0 you want, then you use max (then you'll have to switch h_1 with -h_1 when you use scipy.optimize.minimize ). 如果它实际上h_1(x) <= 0你想,那么你用max (那么你就必须改用h_1-h_1当您使用scipy.optimize.minimize )。

BTW, since i is usually an index variable, it's probably better to name the penalty weight something else, like a . 顺便说一句,因为i通常是一个索引变量,所以最好将惩罚权重命名为其他东西,比如a

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