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[英]Binding to GridView.Items.Count always return 0 in UWP

I have a gridview in UWP and work fine 我在UWP中有gridview并且工作正常

 <GridView x:Name="my_gridview" ItemsSource="{Binding CollectionItem, Mode=TwoWay}"/>

And have a textblock for show the count of CollectionItem 并有一个文本块来显示CollectionItem的计数

 <TextBlock Text="{Binding ElementName=my_gridview, Path=Items.Count, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"/>

Problem: the textblock always show 0 even we have many items in my gridview! 问题:即使我们的gridview中有很多项目,文本块也始终显示0!


<TextBlock Text="{Binding CollectionItem.Count}" />

您同时设置ElementNameRelativeSource (这是伪造的),后者可能会覆盖前者或导致冲突错误,请检查“输出”窗口,然后将出现绑定错误。

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