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UWP Vpn AddProfileFromObjectAsync 总是返回“其他”错误

[英]UWP Vpn AddProfileFromObjectAsync always return "other" error

I'm trying to create a new VPN profile in a universal windows app.我正在尝试在通用 windows 应用程序中创建新的 VPN 配置文件。 I am using this API .我正在使用这个 API

public async void connect()
            var connectionProfile = new VpnNativeProfile
                AlwaysOn = true,
                NativeProtocolType = VpnNativeProtocolType.IpsecIkev2,
                ProfileName = "TestProfile",
                RememberCredentials = true,
                RequireVpnClientAppUI = true,
                RoutingPolicyType = VpnRoutingPolicyType.ForceAllTrafficOverVpn,
                UserAuthenticationMethod = VpnAuthenticationMethod.Eap,
                TunnelAuthenticationMethod = VpnAuthenticationMethod.Eap,


            var credential = new PasswordCredential
                UserName = "test",
                Password = "test123"

            var status = await windowsVpnManager.AddProfileFromObjectAsync(connectionProfile);

            Debug.Print($"Connection status -> {status}");

But this code always return status "other", if i create vpn profile from setting with a same properties, it work.但是这段代码总是返回状态“其他”,如果我从具有相同属性的设置创建 vpn 配置文件,它就可以工作。

Peter Smith has already answered this issue on Microsoft Q&A here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1155880/uwp-vpn-addprofilefromobjectasync-always-return-ot Peter Smith 已经在 Microsoft Q&A 上回答了这个问题: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/answers/questions/1155880/uwp-vpn-addprofilefromobjectasync-always-return-ot

I will post a summary about the solution here as well.我也会在这里发布有关解决方案的摘要。

Answer from Perter:珀特的回答:

Please add the EapConfiguration node for your profile.请为您的配置文件添加 EapConfiguration 节点。 More information is listed here: VPNv2CSP .此处列出了更多信息: VPNv2CSP

In the description of VPNv2 /ProfileName/NativeProfile/Authentication/Eap it mentions that the Eap node is required;VPNv2 /ProfileName/NativeProfile/Authentication/Eap 的描述中提到需要 Eap 节点; the only actual required item is the Eap/Configuration.唯一实际需要的项目是 Eap/Configuration。 There are steps for making a sample Eap configuration at EAP Configuration .EAP 配置中有制作示例 Eap 配置的步骤。

The code should be something like this:代码应该是这样的:

connectionProfile.EapConfiguration = "<EapHostConfig xmlns=........ (long string removed)";

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