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[英]Live Filtering on Large Amounts of Data

I am working with ASP.NET Web Pages and I have a page with an account number textbox. 我正在使用ASP.NET网页,并且有一个带有帐号文本框的页面。 I want to provide live filtering on the account number. 我想对帐号进行实时过滤。 In other words, as users type into the textbox, I want them to see a list of account numbers that match what has been entered. 换句话说,当用户在文本框中键入内容时,我希望他们看到与输入的内容匹配的帐号列表。 I originally thought that an HTML datalist would be perfect for this, but then I found that there are almost 300,000 possible account numbers. 我本来以为HTML数据列表将是完美的选择,但是后来我发现几乎有30万个可能的帐号。 Datalists become unusable with more than a few thousand values. 超过数千个值的数据列表变得不可用。

One possible solution could be to let the user type 3 numbers, then call off to a WCF service which would send back a list of matching account numbers to populate the datalist with. 一种可能的解决方案是让用户键入3个数字,然后取消调用WCF服务,该服务将发回匹配的帐号列表以填充数据列表。 I am new to ASP.NET Web Pages, however, and am not sure how to pass control to a C# function once 3 characters have been entered so that the service can be called. 我是ASP.NET网页的新手,但是不确定输入3个字符后如何将控制权传递给C#函数,以便可以调用该服务。 Also, when the data comes back, I'm unclear how I would get the data back to the client. 另外,当数据返回时,我不清楚如何将数据返回给客户端。

Any preferable solutions, or help with my potential solution, would be appreciated. 任何可取的解决方案,或对我潜在解决方案的帮助,将不胜感激。


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