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[英]Regex to match everything except pattern

I am coming from this question . 我来自这个问题 Now what I want is the exact opposite. 现在我要的是完全相反的事情。 I want to match all chracters except this pattern: 我想匹配除此模式以外的所有特征:


Why do I do that please? 我为什么要这样做?

I have tried (?!yearid="[0-9]+") but it refuses to match match. 我已经尝试过(?!yearid="[0-9]+")但拒绝匹配。

There are actually two ways to do this. 实际上有两种方法可以做到这一点。 You can use [^0-9]+ where the ^ negates the term inside the brackets, or \\D+ where \\D is any non-digit character. 您可以使用[^0-9]+其中^否定括号内的术语),也可以使用\\D+ ,其中\\D是任何非数字字符。

re.sub(r'yearid="[0-9]+"', '', string_to_fix)

Capture the group like normal, then substitute nothing for it, and return the complete string. 像平常一样捕获组,然后用它替代任何内容,然后返回完整的字符串。

Or, if you want to go the hard way and negate it: 或者,如果您想走强硬路线并予以否定:

re.sub(r'(.*?)(?:yearid="[0-9]+")(.*)', '\\1\\2', string_to_fix)

This first matches everything lazily (.*?) , until it finds the yearid="XXXX" , matches that as a noncapturing group (?:yearid="[0-9]+") , then matches everything else (.*) . 这首先会懒惰地匹配所有内容(.*?) ,直到找到yearid="XXXX" ,然后将其匹配为非捕获组(?:yearid="[0-9]+") ,然后再匹配其他所有内容(.*) Finally, it replaces the original full string with just the 1st and 2nd capture groups, essentially cutting out the section you want. 最后,它将第一个和第二个捕获组替换为原始的完整字符串,从本质上切出了您想要的部分。

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