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[英]Citrix thin client and thick client (XenApp and XenDesktop)

Need to understand something related to Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop. 需要了解与Citrix XenApp和XenDesktop相关的内容。

If I install a software (eg Paint.NET) on Citrix Server and publish it via XenApp and XenDesktop to set of users. 如果我在Citrix服务器上安装软件(例如Paint.NET)并通过XenApp和XenDesktop将其发布给用户组。 My understanding is below, 我的理解如下,

  1. Users who are accessing published application as XenApp; 以XenApp方式访问已发布应用程序的用户; is a thin client application. 是一个瘦客户端应用程序。
  2. users who are accessing using XenDesktop; 使用XenDesktop访问的用户; is a thick client application. 是一个胖客户端应用程序。

Is my understanding is correct? 我的理解是否正确? I googled a lot but still couldn't get a proper answer. 我google了很多但仍然无法得到正确的答案。 I am very new to this Citrix world. 我对Citrix这个世界很陌生。

Can someone please explain me in laymen language? 有人可以用非专业语言解释我吗?

I'm not sure these categories can really be cleanly applied to Citrix. 我不确定这些类别是否真的可以干净地应用于Citrix。 Let me just explain in a nutshell how it works and you can be the judge yourself which of the (if either) it should be. 让我简单地解释它是如何工作的,你可以自己判断它应该是哪一个(如果有的话)。

I have a farm of Citrix servers that I deploy WPF to. 我有一个Citrix服务器群,我将WPF部署到。 The servers are basically just Windows machines, so I can browse for files, upload, interact with the local file system in any way. 服务器基本上只是Windows机器,所以我可以浏览文件,上传,以任何方式与本地文件系统交互。 The app itself to the Citrix server just like it was a personal computer. 应用程序本身对Citrix服务器就像个人计算机一样。 Citrix technology basically just transmits a picture of whatever apps each user has open on the server(s). Citrix技术基本上只传输每个用户在服务器上打开的任何应用程序的图片。 It does this by the user installing a client (web browser plug-in), and all that comes across the wire is the compressed graphics info. 它通过用户安装客户端(Web浏览器插件)来实现,所有遇到的都是压缩的图形信息。 There is no discernible lag, so it's basically just like I'm working directly from the server. 没有明显的延迟,所以它基本上就像我直接从服务器工作一样。 I can't copy objects directly to my laptop from these web servers, because the OS I'm on there isn't really the same OS (although can browse through the network to my laptop and copy it that way very quickly). 我不能从这些Web服务器直接将对象复制到我的笔记本电脑,因为我在那里的操作系统并不是真的相同的操作系统(虽然可以浏览网络到我的笔记本电脑并以这种方式快速复制)。

That is Xenapp. 那是Xenapp。 I assume XenDesktop is the same as what we call 'Remote Desktop, but double-check me on that. 我假设XenDesktop与我们称之为“远程桌面”的相同,但请仔细检查我。 This is what I use to log into a computer in the office from my home and control it. 这是我用来从家里登录办公室的电脑并控制它。 It works very much like the above except that, instead of logging into a server , it's used to log into a desktop PC. 它的工作原理与上述类似,不同之处在于它不是登录到服务器,而是用于登录台式PC。

Both technologies just transmit a (compressed) image, and both allow you to send keystrokes and mouse movements so that it's like you're working directly on that machine. 这两种技术都只传输(压缩)图像,并且都允许您发送击键和鼠标移动,这样就像您直接在该机器上工作一样。 As I understand it, Citrix is one of the few games in town with this kind of technology, and last I heard, even MS licensed it from them. 据我了解,Citrix是使用这种技术的少数几个游戏之一,最后我听说,甚至MS也从他们那里获得许可。

The typical usage is to install fat client apps on a Citrix farm so that they then become web/browser accessible from outside the work place. 典型用法是在Citrix场上安装胖客户端应用程序,以便它们可以从工作场所外部访问Web /浏览器。 The apps are published on a gateway web site with links to the individual apps (although you can also browse through the file system and open that way). 这些应用程序发布在网关网站上,其中包含指向各个应用程序的链接(尽管您也可以浏览文件系统并以此方式打开)。 The only thing the user needs to have installed to do this is the Citrix client to decipher the visual stream. 用户唯一需要安装才能执行此操作的是Citrix客户端,用于解密可视流。 The client is free and lightweight. 客户端是免费且轻量级的。

So basically, I would say Citrix technology allows for fat clients to be installed on the Citrix server and then accessed like thin clients. 基本上,我会说Citrix技术允许将胖客户端安装在Citrix服务器上,然后像瘦客户端一样进行访问。

There are a few key differences between Citrix deployment and the way typical web app works. Citrix部署与典型Web应用程序的工作方式之间存在一些关键差异。 One is that the user has to actually close the app out, not just their local web browser , otherwise the app stays running on the Citrix server. 一个是用户必须实际关闭应用程序,而不仅仅是本地Web浏览器,否则应用程序将继续在Citrix服务器上运行。 By default that doesn't typically happen because from the Portal, a particular app will be published, so that only that particular app pops up on click of the link (not a desktop or Windows Explorer). 默认情况下,通常不会发生这种情况,因为从Portal中,将发布特定应用程序,以便在单击链接(而不是桌面或Windows资源管理器)时仅弹出该特定应用程序。 So when the close the 'picture' of it running in the browser, they do so by closing the 'X' on the app. 因此,当关闭它在浏览器中运行的“图片”时,他们会通过关闭应用程序上的“X”来实现。 But if they're crafty, they're can disconnect the client from the server and leave it running. 但如果他们很狡猾,他们就可以断开客户端与服务器的连接并使其保持运行状态。 That can be handy if ones need to some work that shutting downt the laptop would otherwise close out (long-running datawarehouse pulls, etc). 如果需要一些工作来关闭笔记本电脑否则将关闭的工作(长时间运行的数据仓库拉动等),这可能很方便。 Another difference is that speed and performance are pretty much the same no matter the location of the user(at least with XenaPP). 另一个区别是,无论用户的位置如何(至少使用XenaPP),速度和性能几乎相同。 Normally, if you have a Wide Area Network, and you say, deploy an ASP.NET web page on web server in City A, the user in City B 1000 miles away may have a bit of a lag, since the web app may have to query a database server, then spit out some Javascript, that then gets consumed and ran on the client. 通常,如果你有一个广域网,并且你说,在城市A的Web服务器上部署一个ASP.NET网页,1000英里以外城市B的用户可能会有一点滞后,因为网络应用可能有查询数据库服务器,然后吐出一些Javascript,然后消费并在客户端上运行。 With Citrix Xenapp, everything is occurring on the server in City A. In Citry B, the user is just getting a compressed picture stream. 使用Citrix Xenapp,一切都在City A的服务器上进行。在Citry B中,用户只是获得压缩的图片流。 For this reason, it's better to avoid too fancy graphics, because they waste bandwidth and usually get autocompressed to look weird anyhow. 出于这个原因,最好避免太花哨的图形,因为它们会浪费带宽,并且通常会自动压缩,无论如何看起来都很奇怪。 But assuming that is done and the farm doesn't suck, performance will be appreciably the same in India or the Philipines or the United States for the same app. 但假设已经完成并且农场没有吮吸,那么在印度或菲律宾或美国的同一应用程序的性能将略有相同。 Another difference is that the data is inherently Sandboxed, and there are is no URL unless you decide to put the app on a web server and then have users access it through Citrix (which I've seen done in companies with sensitive data using offshore vendors because of the Sandboxing and speed benefits). 另一个区别是数据本身就是Sandboxed,除非您决定将应用程序放在Web服务器上,然后让用户通过Citrix访问它(我已经在使用离岸供应商的敏感数据公司中看到过),因此没有URL因为沙盒和速度的好处)。 But if you do that, you have to open the web app from within the Citrix portal and then you can run the browser on that server (you can't just put a link to that web app from the web). 但是,如果您这样做,则必须从Citrix门户中打开Web应用程序,然后您可以在该服务器上运行浏览器(您不能只是从Web上放置该Web应用程序的链接)。 Finally--and maybe this is just where I work--but the load balancing seems to work a little differently than with web servers. 最后 - 也许这就是我工作的地方 - 但负载平衡似乎与Web服务器的工作方式略有不同。 Users tend to get thrown on the same server if they already have another app open. 如果用户已经打开了另一个应用程序,他们往往会被扔在同一台服务器上。 That can be handy for copying files, etc, but also means less balance in the load for particular servers at times, so that you typically don't want the overall average load to go high (need more servers). 这对于复制文件等非常方便,但也有时意味着特定服务器的负载平衡较少,因此您通常不希望总体平均负载变高(需要更多服务器)。

Hopefully that helps explain it and give you an idea. 希望这有助于解释它并给你一个想法。 Citrix just sends a picture of the wire that you can use to remote-control a machine. Citrix只发送可用于远程控制机器的电线图片。 I would say it's kind of "both" on the thick or thin client question. 我会说在厚或瘦的客户问题上它都是“两者”。 Typically it is used to deploy Winforms, WPF or other 'fat client' technologies, and is largely unnecessary for technologies that already allow for thin clients (web apps). 通常,它用于部署Winforms,WPF或其他“胖客户端”技术,对于已经允许瘦客户端(Web应用程序)的技术来说基本上是不必要的。 But sometimes web apps are pushed through there also, for various reasons. 但是,由于各种原因,有时也会推送网络应用程序。

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