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[英]Importing a large xml file to Neo4j with Py2neo

I have a problem in importing a very big XML file with 36196662 lines. 我在导入一个包含36196662行的非常大的XML文件时遇到问题。 I am trying to create a Neo4j Graph Database of this XML file with Py2neo my xml file look like that: 我正在尝试用Py2neo我的xml文件创建这个XML文件的Neo4j图形数据库 ,如下所示:

http://imgur.com/pLylHeG http://imgur.com/pLylHeG

and My python code to import the xml data into Neo4j is like that: 和我的python代码将xml数据导入Neo4j是这样的:

from xml.dom import minidom
from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship, authenticate
from py2neo.packages.httpstream import http
http.socket_timeout = 9999
import codecs

authenticate("localhost:7474", "neo4j", "******")

graph = Graph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")

xml_file = codecs.open("User_profilesL2T1.xml","r", encoding="latin-1")

xml_doc = minidom.parseString (codecs.encode (xml_file.read(), "utf-8"))

#xml_doc = minidom.parse(xml_file)
persons = xml_doc.getElementsByTagName('user')
label1 = "USER"

# Adding Nodes
for person in persons:

    if person.getElementsByTagName("id")[0].firstChild:
       Name="NO ID"
    print ("******************************USER***************************************")

    print ("*************************")
    if person.getElementsByTagName("name")[0].firstChild:
       Name="NO NAME"   
   # print("Name :",Name)

    print ("*************************")
    if person.getElementsByTagName("screen_name")[0].firstChild:
       Screen_name="NO SCREEN_NAME" 
  #   print("Screen Name :",Screen_name)

    print ("*************************") 
    if person.getElementsByTagName("location")[0].firstChild:
       Location="NO Location"   
 #    print("Location :",Location)

    print ("*************************")
    if person.getElementsByTagName("description")[0].firstChild:
       Description="NO description" 
  #   print("Description :",Description)

    print ("*************************") 
    if person.getElementsByTagName("profile_image_url")[0].firstChild:
       Profile_image_url="NO profile_image_url" 
   # print("Profile_image_url :",Profile_image_url)

    print ("*************************")
    if person.getElementsByTagName("friends_count")[0].firstChild:
       Friends_count="NO friends_count" 
 #    print("Friends_count :",Friends_count)

    print ("*************************")
    if person.getElementsByTagName("url")[0].firstChild:
       URL="NO URL" 
  #   print("URL :",URL)

    node1 = Node(label1,ID_USER=Id_User,NAME=Name,SCREEN_NAME=Screen_name,LOCATION=Location,DESCRIPTION=Description,Profile_Image_Url=Profile_image_url,Friends_Count=Friends_count,URL=URL)

My problem is when i run the code, it's take a long time to import this file almost a week to do that, so if can anyone help me to import data more faster than that i will be very grateful. 我的问题是当我运行代码时,需要很长时间才能导入这个文件差不多一个星期才能做到这一点,所以如果有人能帮助我更快地导入数据,那将非常感激。

NB: My laptop configuration is: 4Gb RAM, 500Gb Hard Disc, i5 注意:我的笔记本配置是:4Gb RAM,500Gb硬盘,i5

I think you should use a streaming parser, otherwise it might be even on the python side that you overflow on memory. 我认为你应该使用一个流解析器,否则它甚至可能在python一侧溢出内存。

Also I recommend doing transactions in Neo4j with batches of 10k to 100k updates per transaction. 另外,我建议在Neo4j中进行交易,每次交易批量为10k到100k。

Don't store "NO xxxx" fields, just leave them off it is just a waste of space and effort. 不要存储"NO xxxx"字段,只要将它们关闭它只是浪费空间和精力。

I don't know how merge(node) works. 我不知道merge(node)是如何工作的。 I recommend creating a unique constraint on :User(userId) and using a cypher query like this: 我建议在:User(userId)上创建一个唯一约束,并使用如下的密码查询:

UNWIND {data} as row
MERGE (u:User {userId: row.userId}) ON CREATE SET u += {row}

where {data} parameter is a list (eg 10k entries) of dictionaries with the properties. 其中{data}参数是具有属性的字典列表(例如10k条目)。

If you are importing data into a new database you may want to try the import-tool: https://neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/#import-tool 如果要将数据导入新数据库,可能需要尝试导入工具: https//neo4j.com/docs/operations-manual/current/#import-tool

In that case you should parse your XML file as you already do but instead of using py2neo to insert data into Neo4j, just write a CSV file and then call the import-tool afterwards. 在这种情况下,您应该像现在一样解析XML文件,而不是使用py2neo将数据插入Neo4j,只需编写一个CSV文件,然后再调用导入工具。

See below a possible way to do it: 请参阅下面的可能方法:

import csv
from xml.dom import minidom

def getAttribute(node,attribute,default=None):
    attr = node.getElementsByTagName(attribute)[0]
    return attr.firstChild.data if attr.firstChild else default

xml_doc = minidom.parse(open("users.xml"))
persons = xml_doc.getElementsByTagName('user')

users = []
attrs = ['name','screen_name','location','description','profile_image_url','friends_count','url']

mapping = {'user_id': 'user_id:ID(User)',
           'name': 'name:string',
           'screen_name': 'screen_name:string',
           'location': 'location:string',
           'description': 'description:string',
           'profile_image_url': 'profile_image_url:string',
           'friends_count': 'friends_count:int',
           'url': 'url:string'}

with open('users.csv','w') as csvfile:
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=mapping.values())
    for person in persons:
        user = {mapping[attr]: getAttribute(person, attr) for attr in attrs}
        user[mapping['user_id']] = getAttribute(person, 'id')


Once you have converted the xml to a csv file, run the import-tool: 将xml转换为csv文件后,运行import-tool:

$ neo4j-import --into neo4j-community-3.0.3/data/databases/users.db --nodes:User users.csv

I guess you will also want to create relationships between nodes (?). 我想你也想在节点之间建立关系(?)。 You should read the import-tool docs and call the import-tool with csv files for both nodes and relationships 您应该阅读导入工具文档,并使用csv文件为两个节点和关系调用import-tool

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