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[英]How to create new column from combination of existing character and numeric columns?

My data is structured as follows: 我的数据结构如下:

 Name   Drill Movement Repetition    DV    
1 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          1   10   
2 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          1   12   
2 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          2   12   
2 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          2   9    
3 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          3   14   
3 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          3   12    
4 RUTH 90_Turn   Walk            1   13  
4 RUTH 90_Turn   Walk            1   17   
5 RUTH 90_Turn   Walk            2   11   
5 RUTH 90_Turn   Walk            2   15      

I would like to add in a column Trial that contains a code for each unique combination of Movement and Repetition , such as: 我想在Trial栏中添加一个代码,其中包含针对MovementRepetition每个唯一组合的代码,例如:

 Name   Drill Movement Repetition    DV     Trial
1 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          1   10   D90_Sprint1
2 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          1   12   D90_Sprint1
2 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          2   12   D90_Sprint2 
2 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          2   9    D90_Sprint2 
3 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          3   14   D90_Sprint3 
3 RUTH 90_Turn   Sprint          3   12   D90_Sprint3 
4 RUTH 90_Turn   Walk            1   13   D90_Walk1 
4 RUTH 90_Turn   Walk            1   17   D90_Walk1 
5 RUTH 90_Turn   Walk            2   11   D90_Walk2
5 RUTH 90_Turn   Walk            2   15   D90_Walk2

This takes into account the Drill which remains constant, along with Name - the data.frame only consists of Ruth's data for this drill. 这考虑了保持不变的Drill以及Name data.frame仅包含该钻取的Ruth数据。 The DV is measured at least twice per Movement and Repetition . 每次MovementRepetition至少测量两次DV

Is it possible to do this? 是否有可能做到这一点?

My data frame is 10140 obs. 我的数据框是10140 obs。 so a quick solution would be ideal. 因此快速解决方案将是理想的。 Thank you! 谢谢!

We can use paste 我们可以用paste

df1$Trial <- paste0("D90_", df1$Movement, df1$Repetition)

If '90' comes from the 'Drill' column 如果“ 90”来自“钻取”列

df1$Trial <- paste0("D", sub("_.*", "", df1$Drill), "_", df1$Movement, df1$Repetition)

Or with sprintf 或与sprintf

sprintf("D%s_%s%d", sub("_.*", "", df1$Drill), df1$Movement, df1$Repetition)
#[1] "D90_Sprint1" "D90_Sprint1" "D90_Sprint2" "D90_Sprint2" "D90_Sprint3" "D90_Sprint3" "D90_Walk1"   "D90_Walk1"   "D90_Walk2"  
#[10] "D90_Walk2" 

Use paste0() : 使用paste0()

df$Trial <- paste0(sub("_.*", "", df$Drill),

The call to sub() extracts the Drill component of the final Trial string. sub()的调用提取了最终Trial字符串的Drill组件。

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