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[英]Constructor Arguments Error when Declaring an Instance of a Class

I was working on a class to control the power of two DC motors with the Raspberry Pi using the imported RPi.GPIO library. 我正在上一个类,使用导入的RPi.GPIO库通过Raspberry Pi控制两个直流电动机的功率。 The code is as followed: 代码如下:

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

class Motor:

    def _init_(self, MotorPin):
        self.MotorControlPin = MotorPin
        GPIO.setup(self.MotorControlPin, GPIO.OUT)
        self.PWM = GPIO.PWM(self.MotorControlPin, 100)
    def SetPower(self, Power):

When I try to create an instance of the class, RightMotor = Motor(12) Python returns the error Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#23>", line 1, in <module> RightMotor = Motor(12) TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments 当我尝试创建该类的实例时, RightMotor = Motor(12) Python返回错误Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#23>", line 1, in <module> RightMotor = Motor(12) TypeError: this constructor takes no arguments

The python IDLE seems to think that the _init_(self, Motor) function does not take any arguments. python IDLE似乎认为_init_(self, Motor)函数没有任何参数。 Am I using the function incorrectly? 我使用该功能不正确吗? If not, what is the problem? 如果没有,那是什么问题?

The name of the constructor method in Python is __init__ , with two underscores at the beginning and two at the end. Python中构造函数方法的名称为__init__ ,开头有两个下划线,结尾有两个下划线。 Your code defines _init_ instead, which as far as Python is concerned is just another ordinary method with no bearing on object construction. 您的代码改为定义_init_ ,就Python而言,它只是另一种与对象构造无关的普通方法。

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