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在scala检查中为运行时类型启用隐式导入。 “找不到参数的隐式值”

[英]enable implicit import for runtime type in scala check. “could not find implicit value for parameter”

I'm testing my own home-brewed Monoid classes in scala using the ScalaCheck library and ScalaTest 我正在使用ScalaCheck库和ScalaTest在Scala中测试自己的自制Monoid

when attempting to implement DRY tests, I get the implicit error in the title: 尝试实施DRY测试时,标题中出现隐式错误:

Error:(16, 12) could not find implicit value for parameter arbA: org.scalacheck.Arbitrary[A]
    forAll { (a: A) =>

here is the implementation of intAddition Monoid: 这是intAddition Monoid的实现:

trait Monoid[A] {
  def op(a1: A, a2: A): A
  def zero: A

object Monoid {
  val intAddition: Monoid[Int] = new Monoid[Int] {
    override def op(a1: Int, a2: Int): Int = a1 + a2
    override def zero: Int = 0

And the test suite: 和测试套件:

import org.fpinscala.monoids.Monoid._
import org.fpinscala.testutils.UnitSpec
import org.scalatest.prop.PropertyChecks
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary._

import scala.language.implicitConversions

class MonoidSpec extends UnitSpec with PropertyChecks {

  def assertIdentityBehaviour[A](M: Monoid[A]): Unit = {
    import M._
    forAll { (a: A) =>
      op(zero, a) should be(a)
      op(a, zero) should be(a)

  behavior of "intAdditionMonoid"

  it should "obey identity laws" in {

This code compiles but fails at runtime (runtime type erasure?). 该代码可以编译,但在运行时会失败(运行时类型是否擦除?)。 Is what I'm trying to achieve possible in Scala? 我想在Scala中实现什么目标?

This code compiles 这段代码编译

It doesn't; 不会的 the error you give is a compilation error. 您给出的错误是编译错误。 It should be fixed by adding the implicit parameter it complains about: 应该通过添加它抱怨的隐式参数来解决此问题:

def assertIdentityBehaviour[A](M: Monoid[A])(implicit arbA: Arbitrary[A]) = ...
// or equivalently, def assertIdentityBehaviour[A: Arbitrary](M: Monoid[A]) = ...

You are calling assertIdentityBehaviour only with A for which the parameter is available, but the error is in its definition . 您仅使用A 调用 assertIdentityBehaviour ,而其参数可用,但是错误在于其定义

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