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来自 W3C 验证器的错误“元素脚本不得具有属性 defer,除非还指定了属性 src”

[英]Error “Element script must not have attribute defer unless attribute src is also specified” from W3C validator

I have an HTML document whose source has a script element that has a defer attribute.我有一个 HTML 文档,其源代码有一个带有defer属性的script元素。 The W3C validator says it isn't valid because it lacks the src attribute, but in fact there is a src attribute is in the source: W3C 验证器说它无效,因为它缺少src属性,但实际上源中有一个src属性:

<script defer type="text/javascript">if($(window).width()>1024){document.write("<"+"script src='js/jquery.preloader.js'></"+"script>");}</script>

What can I do?我能做什么?

Maintainer of the W3C HTML Checker (validator) here. W3C HTML Checker(验证器)的维护者在这里。

The fix is to put the script contents into a separate file and use the src attribute to reference that.解决方法是将脚本内容放入一个单独的文件中,并使用src属性来引用它。

The checker reports an error for the markup snippet in the question because the HTML spec used to explicitly state that the script can't have a defer attribute unless it also has a src attribute.检查器报告问题中标记片段的错误,因为 HTML 规范用于明确声明script不能具有defer属性,除非它也具有src属性。

The spec no longer seems to explicitly state that restriction, but I think that's just an unintentional regression caused by a later spec change (which your question helped to catch—so, thanks!).规范似乎不再明确说明该限制,但我认为这只是由后来的规范更改引起无意回归(您的问题有助于捕捉到 - 所以,谢谢!)。

So I'll investigate and raise a pull request for the spec fix and then update this answer later.因此,我将调查并提出针对规范修复的拉取请求,然后稍后更新此答案。

2018-05-05 update 2018-05-05 更新

For the record here, I did end up filing a pull request with an HTML spec patch:作为记录,我最终提交了一个带有 HTML 规范补丁的拉取请求:

https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/2509 https://github.com/whatwg/html/pull/2509

…and that was merged into the HTML spec source: ……然后合并到 HTML 规范源代码中:

https://github.com/whatwg/html/commit/3c5180a08f90a375c64f8191f32f8c7ddfec0ba3 https://github.com/whatwg/html/commit/3c5180a08f90a375c64f8191f32f8c7ddfec0ba3

…and so now the current HTML spec once again states the restriction: ……所以现在当前的 HTML 规范再次声明了限制:

https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#attr-script-defer https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#attr-script-defer

The async and defer attributes are boolean attributes that indicate how the script should be evaluated. asyncdefer属性是布尔属性,指示应如何评估脚本。 Classic scripts may specify defer or async , but must not specify either unless the src attribute is present.经典脚本可以指定deferasync ,但除非存在src属性,否则不得指定。

You have two <script> tags.你有两个<script>标签。

  • One which is in the HTML source一个在 HTML 源代码中
  • One which is generated using document.write .一种是使用document.write生成的。

The HTML one looks like this: HTML 看起来像这样:

<script defer type="text/javascript">…</script>

It has no src attribute.它没有src属性。 That is why you get the error.这就是你得到错误的原因。 You can't have a defer attribute there.那里不能有defer属性。

The one generated by JavaScript looks like this: JavaScript 生成的代码如下所示:

if ($(window).width()>1024){
    document.write("<"+"script src='js/jquery.preloader.js'></"+"script>");

It has a src attribute and doesn't have a defer attribute.它有一个src属性,没有一个defer属性。 You could add a defer attribute here.您可以在此处添加defer属性。

It is also JavaScript so won't be treated as HTML by the validator anyway.它也是 JavaScript,因此无论如何都不会被验证器视为 HTML。

Try to set your DOCTYPE to HTML5.尝试将您的 DOCTYPE 设置为 HTML5。 If not feasable, you'll probably need to write defer=true instead of defer .如果不可行,您可能需要编写defer=true而不是defer

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