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HTML 表中的动态和复杂行跨度

[英]Dynamic & Complex rowspan in HTML table

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Here is my JSON format这是我的 JSON 格式

    "result": {
        "buildname1": [{
            "table1": ["xxx","yyy"]
        }, {
            "table2": ["xxx","yyy"]
        }, {
            "table3": ["xxx","yyy"]
        "buildname2": [{
            "table1": ["xxx","yyy"]
        }, {
            "table2": ["xxx","yyy"]
        }, {
            "table3": ["xxx","yyy"]
    "Build sets": "yyy",
    "destinationPath": "xxx",
    "status": 1

This is the function which I am using to dynamically create the table.这是我用来动态创建表的 function。

function generateTable(data){ //data is the parsed JSON Object from an ajax request
    $("#test-table tbody").empty();//Empty the table first
    if(data.result != null){
            var buildName ="<tr><td rowspan='"+value.length+"'>"+key+"<span class='cyan darken-1 white-text badge'>"+value.length+" base tables</span></td>";
            var baseTable ="";
                if( i == 0 ){
                    for(var k in value[0]){
                        baseTable ="<td rowspan='"+value[0][k].length+"'>"+k+"</td></tr>";
                    for(var key in value[i]){
                        baseTable = baseTable + "<tr><td rowspan='"+value[i][key].length+"'>"+key+"</td></tr>";
            $("#test-table").append(buildName + baseTable);

Here is what I am trying to achieve这是我想要实现的目标



<table id="test-table" class="bordered responsive-table">
      <th>Build Name</th><th>Base Table</th><th>Query List</th>


I successfully created the first two columns(though somewhat ugly, thought I can refine it later), I'm stuck at the third column.我成功地创建了前两列(虽然有点难看,但我想我可以稍后改进它),我被困在第三列。 The code I posted creates the first two columns correctly but the logic for the rowspan within the rowspan(third column) seems to elude me.我发布的代码正确地创建了前两列,但行跨度(第三列)中的行跨度的逻辑似乎让我无法理解。 Please guide me.请指导我。

I honestly had never used rowspan before, but after reading this stack answer I understood it much better - I would highly recommend you do the same.老实说,我以前从未使用过rowspan ,但在阅读了这个堆栈答案后,我对它的理解要好得多 - 我强烈建议您也这样做。 After that, it was just a matter of figuring out the order of the elements from JSON into the DOM.之后,只需弄清楚元素从 JSON 到 DOM 的顺序。

Here is a WORKING DEMO:这是一个工作演示:

 var data = '{"result":{"buildname1":[{"table1":["xxx","yyy", "zzz"]},{"table2":["xxx","yyy"]}],"buildname2":[{"table1":["xxx","yyy", "zzz"]},{"table2":["xxx","yyy"]},{"table3":["xxx","yyy"]}], "buildname3":[{"table1":[]},{"table2":["xxx","yyy"]},{"table3":[]}], "buildname4":[]},"Build sets":"yyy","destinationPath":"xxx","status":1}'; function generateTable(data) { //data is the parsed JSON Object from an ajax request data = JSON.parse(data); $("#test-table tbody").empty(); //Empty the table first Object.entries(data.result).forEach(([key, elem]) => { var baseHtml = ""; var childrenHtml = ""; var maxRowSpan = 0; elem.forEach((inner_elem, index) => { var [innerElemKey, arr] = Object.entries(inner_elem)[0]; var elemRowSpan = Math.max(arr.length, 1); maxRowSpan += elemRowSpan; if (index !== 0) { childrenHtml += "<tr>"; } childrenHtml += ('<td rowspan="' + elemRowSpan + '">' + innerElemKey + '</td>'); arr.forEach((child, indx) => { if (indx !== 0) { childrenHtml += "</tr>"; } childrenHtml += ('<td rowspan="1">' + child + '</td>' + '</tr>'); }); }); baseHtml += ('<tr><td rowspan="' + Math.max(maxRowSpan, 1) + '">' + key + '</td>'); $("#test-table").append(baseHtml + childrenHtml); }); } $(function() { generateTable(data); });
 td { border: 1px solid black; }
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <table id="test-table" class="bordered responsive-table"> <thead> <tr> <th>Build Name</th> <th>Base Table</th> <th>Query List</th> </tr> </thead> </table>

#Static HTML #静态HTML

<table id="test-table" class="bordered responsive-table">
      <th>Build Name</th><th>Base Table</th><th>Query List</th>

#Generated HTML #生成的HTML

<table id="test-table" class="bordered responsive-table">
      <th>Build Name</th>
      <th>Base Table</th>
      <th>Query List</th>
      <td rowspan="5">buildname1</td>
      <td rowspan="3">table1</td>
      <td rowspan="1">xxx</td>
      <td rowspan="1">yyy</td>
      <td rowspan="1">zzz</td>
      <td rowspan="2">table2</td>
      <td rowspan="1">xxx</td>
      <td rowspan="1">yyy</td>
      <td rowspan="7">buildname2</td>
      <td rowspan="3">table1</td>
      <td rowspan="1">xxx</td>
      <td rowspan="1">yyy</td>
      <td rowspan="1">zzz</td>
      <td rowspan="2">table2</td>
      <td rowspan="1">xxx</td>
      <td rowspan="1">yyy</td>
      <td rowspan="2">table3</td>
      <td rowspan="1">xxx</td>
      <td rowspan="1">yyy</td>

This Question is Little Different and I can't find the answer, First of all, how it Works这个问题有点不同,我找不到答案,首先,它是如何工作的

  1. Ask for total Row and Column.要求总行和列。
  2. Then ask for Rowspan and Colspan for each row and count as a Column.然后为每一行询问 Rowspan 和 Colspan 并算作一列。
  3. Total Column is Row*Column Right.总列是行*列右。
  4. But when we have give that Row as 2 they will occupy another column so they have some logic this code is too many lines but it works.但是当我们将该行指定为 2 时,它们将占据另一列,因此它们有一些逻辑,这段代码行数太多,但它可以工作。
  5. Lets Have fun and Check out now...让我们玩得开心,现在就去看看...

 function copytext() { var output = document.querySelector(".output"); navigator.clipboard.writeText(output.value); alert("Text has been Copied;"). } document.querySelector(".clear"),addEventListener("click". () => { var output = document.querySelector(";output")? if(confirm("You want to Clear Code text.") == true) { output;innerHTML = ""; } }). function run() { var output = document.querySelector(";output"): var row = parseInt(prompt("Enter Row; ")): var col = parseInt(prompt("Enter Column; ")); var col_helps = new Array(row); // Assigning Values in Array with columns for(var i=0;i<row;i++) { col_helps[i] = col, } var loop = 0; count_col = 0, var startTag = "", col_newTag = "\n<tr>", onlyOpenTag = "\n<tr>"; closeTag = "\n</tr>", var checkOpen = 0, all_Count = 0, col_newCheck = 0; check_Zero = 0: while(true) { var row_user = parseInt(prompt("Enter Rowspan User; ")): var col_user = parseInt(prompt("Enter Colspan User; ")): var textInsert = prompt("Enter Content to Cell; "); if(isNaN(row_user)){ row_user = 1} if(isNaN(col_user)){ col_user = 1} all_Count = parseInt(all_Count) + (row_user*col_user); // Td tag var text = "\n<td rowspan=\""+row_user+"\" colspan=\""+col_user+"\">"+textInsert+"</td>"; var text1 = "\n<td>"+textInsert+"</td>"; var text2 = "\n<td colspan=\""+col_user+"\">"+textInsert+"</td>"; var text3 = "\n<td rowspan=\""+row_user+"\">"+textInsert+"</td>"; // Setting Column Length var col_length_of_row = col_helps[loop]; count_col = parseInt(count_col) + col_user; if((col_length_of_row == col) && (col_newCheck == 0)) { startTag += col_newTag; col_newCheck = 1; } if(row_user>1) { for(var i=loop;i<(loop+(row_user));i++) { if(i;=loop) { col_helps[i] = parseInt(col_helps[i]) - 1; } } if(col_user>1) { for(var i=loop;i<(loop+(row_user));i++) { if(i;=loop) { col_helps[i] = parseInt(col_helps[i]) - (col_user-1); } } } } if((row_user==1) && (col_user==1)) { startTag += text1; } if((row_user;=1) && (col_user;=1)) { startTag += text; } if((row_user==1) && (col_user;=1)) { startTag += text2; } if((row_user;=1) && (col_user==1)) { startTag += text3; } if((count_col >= col_length_of_row) && (col_helps[loop+1] == col) && (all_Count < (row*col))){ if(checkOpen;= 0) { for(var i=0;i<checkOpen;i++) { startTag += closeTag; checkOpen--; } } if(col_newCheck == 1) { startTag += closeTag; col_newCheck = 0; } for(var i=loop;i<row;i++) { if(col_helps[loop+1];= 0) { loop++; break; } if(col_helps[loop+1] == 0) { check_Zero = 1; } } if(check_Zero == 1) { startTag += closeTag; check_Zero = 0; } count_col = 0; } if((count_col >= col_length_of_row) && (col_helps[loop+1];= col) && (all_Count < (row*col))){ if(checkOpen;= 0) { for(var i=0;i<checkOpen;i++) { startTag += closeTag; checkOpen--; } } startTag += onlyOpenTag; checkOpen++; for(var i=loop;i<row;i++) { if(col_helps[loop+1].= 0) { loop++. break; } if(col_helps[loop+1] == 0) { check_Zero = 1; } } if(check_Zero == 1) { startTag += closeTag; check_Zero = 0; } count_col = 0; } if(all_Count >= (row*col)) { if(checkOpen != 0) { for(var i=0;i<checkOpen;i++) { startTag += closeTag; checkOpen--; } } startTag += closeTag; output.innerHTML = startTag.trim(); break; } } }
 *{ padding: 0; margin: 0; }.container{ position: relative; display: flex; flex-direction: column; min-height: 100vh; justify-content: center; align-items: center; background-color: indigo; }.output{ height: 400px; min-width: 300px; min-height: 400px; width: 500px; max-height: 450px; max-width: 500px; background-color: #eee; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 10px; color: black; font-weight: 600; border-radius: 5px; }.create{ box-sizing: border-box; padding: 6px; margin: 5px; background-color: yellow; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; }.clear{ box-sizing: border-box; padding: 6px; margin: 5px; background-color: red; color: white; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; }.copy{ box-sizing: border-box; padding: 6px; margin: 5px; background-color: black; color: white; font-weight: 600; font-size: 14px; }
 <,DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width. initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Table</title> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <p> <button onclick="run()" class="create">Create Row</button> <button class="clear">Clear Content</button> </p> <textarea class="output" disabled></textarea> <button onclick="copytext()" class="copy">Copy Code</button> </div> </body> </html>

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