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[英]JAXB override @XmlElement type of list

There's a simple class Bean1 with a sublist of type BeanChild1 . 有一个简单的Bean1类,其子列表类型为BeanChild1

public static class Bean1
  public Bean1()

  private List<BeanChild1> childList = new ArrayList<>();

  public List<BeanChild1> getChildList()
    return childList;

  public void setChildList(List<BeanChild1> pChildList)
    childList = pChildList;

public static class BeanChild1 { ... }

I am trying to override the class, to change the type of the list. 我试图覆盖该类,以更改列表的类型。 The new child-class (ie BeanChild2 ) extends the previous one (ie BeanChild1 ) . 新的子类(即BeanChild2 )扩展了前一个子类(即BeanChild1 )。

public static class Bean2 extends Bean1
  public Bean2()

  @XmlElement(name="child", type=BeanChild2.class)
  public List<BeanChild1> getChildList()
    return super.getChildList();

public static class BeanChild2 extends BeanChild1 { }

So, here is how I tested it: 因此,这是我如何测试它:

public static void main(String[] args)
  String xml = "<bean>" +
               "  <child></child>" +
               "  <child></child>" +
               "  <child></child>" +
  Reader reader = new StringReader(xml);

  Bean2 b2 =  JAXB.unmarshal(reader, Bean2.class);
  assert b2.getChildList().get(0) instanceof BeanChild2; // fails

The test reveals that that this list still contains childs of BeanChild1 . 测试表明该列表仍包含BeanChild1

So, how can I force it to populate the childList field with BeanChild2 instances ? 因此,如何强制它使用BeanChild2实例填充childList字段?

If there are no easy solutions, then feel free to post more creative solutions (eg using XmlAdapter s, Unmarshaller.Listener , perhaps an additional annotation on the parent or child class ...) 如果没有简单的解决方案,请随时发布更多有创意的解决方案(例如,使用XmlAdapterUnmarshaller.Listener ,可能在父类或子类上附加注释...)

There is no way to change (eg override) the @XmlElement annotation of a super class. 无法更改(例如,重写)超类的@XmlElement注释。 At least not using annotations. 至少不使用注释。

  • It doesn't matter what @XmlAccessorType you use (eg FIELD , PROPERTY , PUBLIC , NONE ). 使用什么@XmlAccessorType都没有关系(例如FIELDPROPERTYPUBLICNONE )。
  • It doesn't make any difference if you put the annotations on the fields or on the getters. 如果将注释放在字段或获取器上,则没有任何区别。

However, there is a reasonable alternative. 但是,有一个合理的选择。 The MOXy implementation of JAXB offers the ability to define the metadata/bindings in an xml file . JAXB的MOXy实现提供了在xml文件中定义元数据/绑定的功能 In fact every java annotation has an XML alternative. 实际上,每个Java注释都有XML替代项。 But it gets better: You can combine both java annotations AND these xml metadata. 但它会变得更好: 您可以将Java注释和这些xml元数据结合在一起。 The cool thing, is that MOXy will merge both declarations, and in case of conflict, the XML defined metadata gets a higher priority. 很棒的事情是,MOXy将合并两个声明,并且在发生冲突的情况下, XML定义的元数据将具有更高的优先级。

Assuming that the Bean1 class is annotated as above. 假设Bean1类如上所述。 Then it's possible to redefine the binding, in an xml file. 然后可以在xml文件中重新定义绑定。 eg: 例如:

<xml-bindings xml-accessor-type="PROPERTY">
    <java-type name="Bean1">
      <xml-element java-attribute="childList" name="child" 
                   type="BeanChild2" container-type="java.util.ArrayList" />

This new bindings file is needed during the creation of the context object. 创建上下文对象期间需要此新的绑定文件。

// use a map to reference the xml file
Map<String, Object> propertyMap = new HashMap<>();
propertyMap.put(JAXBContextProperties.OXM_METADATA_SOURCE, "bindings.xml");

// pass this properyMap during the creation of the JAXB context.
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(..., propertyMap);

MOXy will merge the java annotations and the XML bindings, and in case of a conflict the XML defined settings are applied. MOXy将合并Java批注和XML绑定,并且在发生冲突的情况下,将应用XML定义的设置。 In this case, the earlier @XmlElement(name=child) annotation is replaced by an xml definition which is equivalent to @XmlElement(name=child, type=BeanChild2.class) . 在这种情况下,较早的@XmlElement(name=child)注释将替换为xml定义,该定义等同于@XmlElement(name=child, type=BeanChild2.class)

You can read more about the XML bindings here . 您可以在此处阅读有关XML绑定的更多信息。

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