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[英]How to share data among JavaRDD partitions in Spark?

I have Some object to be shared among partitions in apache spark. 我有一些对象要在Apache Spark的分区之间共享。 Below is the code snippet and problem i'm facing. 以下是我面临的代码段和问题。

private static void processDataWithResult() throws IOException {

        JavaRDD<Long> idRDD = createIdRDDUsingDb();
        final MeasureReportingData measureReporingData = getMeasureReportingData(jobConfiguration);

        resultRDD = idRDD.mapPartitions(new FlatMapFunction<Iterator<Long>, Boolean>() {
            public Iterable<Boolean> call(Iterator<Long> idIterator) throws Exception {

                MeasureReportingData mrd = measureReporingData; 

                final List<Boolean> dummyList = new ArrayList<>();

                long minId = idIterator.next();

                engine.processInBatch(minId, minId + BATCH_SIZE - 1);
                return (Iterable<Boolean>) dummyList;



I want to distribute measureReportingData object to all the partitions? 我想将measureReportingData对象分发到所有分区吗?

I get serialization errors because MeasureReportingData contains instance members that are not Serializable . 我收到序列化错误,因为MeasureReportingData包含不可Serializable实例成员。 Simulation of the issue is specified in this question: How to serialize a Predicate<T> from Nashorn engine in java 8 此问题的仿真在以下问题中指定: 如何在Java 8中从Nashorn引擎序列化Predicate <T>

Is there another way to share measureReportingData among partitions? 还有另一种在分区之间共享measureReportingData的方法吗?

In order to share data between machines, the data has to be serialized at the source, transfer over network, and de-serialized at the destination. 为了在计算机之间共享数据,必须在源处对数据进行序列化,通过网络进行传输,并在目标处进行反序列化。 So you cannot transfer non-serializable objects. 因此,您无法传输不可序列化的对象。

If MeasureReportingData is not serializable, you have to convert it into a serializable object, share that object then convert it back to MeasureReportingData inside the function. 如果MeasureReportingData无法序列化,则必须将其转换为可序列化的对象,共享该对象,然后在函数内部将其转换回MeasureReportingData

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