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[英]How to do a stacked bar chart with specific values for X axis in ggplot?

I have been looking into many tutorials about this without success so far. 到目前为止,我一直在研究关于此的许多教程,但均未成功。 I have this simple dataset. 我有这个简单的数据集。

TestCases     Column-1  Column-2 
TestCase-1        2       5     
TestCase-2        3       8
TestCase-3        4       7
TestCase-4        5       9
TestCase-5        2       7

I need to make, in ggplot, a stacked histogram combining the values of Column-1 and Column-2 and having in the X axis the names of the TestCases column, eg, TestCase-1, TestCase2, etc. 我需要在ggplot中制作一个堆叠的直方图,该直方图结合了Column-1和Column-2的值,并在X轴上具有TestCases列的名称,例如TestCase-1,TestCase2等。

You need to reshape your data first with tidyr::gather , then you can plot with ggplot . 您需要先使用tidyr::gather重塑数据,然后才能使用ggplot

df <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = "
  TestCases     Column-1  Column-2 
  TestCase-1        2       5     
  TestCase-2        3       8
  TestCase-3        4       7
  TestCase-4        5       9
  TestCase-5        2       7")

df2 <- tidyr::gather(df, key = "Column", value = "Values", -TestCases)
ggplot(df2, aes(x = TestCases, y = Values, fill = Column)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "Identity")

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