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[英]Angular2 routing canActivate and AuthGuard (JWT) with user role parameter

In this exaple project with JWT authentication we se how to allow only authenticated users to some route: 在这个使用JWT身份验证的exaple项目中 ,我们将了解如何仅允许经过身份验证的用户访问某些路由:

import { RouterConfig } from '@angular/router';
import { Home } from './home';
import { Login } from './login';
import { Signup } from './signup';
import { AuthGuard } from './common/auth.guard';

export const routes: RouterConfig = [
  { path: '',       component:  Login },
  { path: 'login',  component: Login },
  { path: 'signup', component: Signup },
  { path: 'home',   component: Home, canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
  { path: '**',     component: Login },

I would like make step further and also indicate what user role have 'access' to route - but I don't know how to pass argument to canActivate AuthGuard (src) . 我想更进一步,并指出用户角色有什么“访问”路由 - 但我不知道如何将参数传递给canActivate AuthGuard(src) So I would like to achieve something like this (for instance I have two roles: Admin and Employee): 所以我想实现这样的目标(例如我有两个角色:Admin和Employee):

  { path: 'home',   component: Home, canActivate: [AuthGuard] },
  { path: 'users',   component: AdminUsers, canActivate: [AuthGuard('Admin')] },
  { path: 'users',   component: Employees, canActivate: [AuthGuard('Employee')] },

Where my AuthGuard could look something like this (where userRole(= Admin or Employee or null) is passed parameter to AuthGuard): 我的AuthGuard看起来像这样(userRole(= Admin或Employee或null)将参数传递给AuthGuard):

export class AuthGuard implements CanActivate {
  constructor(private router: Router) {}

  canActivate(userRole) {
    if (!userRole || JWT.user().role == userRole) {
      return true;

    return false;

where JWT.user.role is helper which read user role stored in JWT token. 其中JWT.user.role是帮助程序,它读取存储在JWT令牌中的用户角色。 Is there a way to do something similar like above idea? 有没有办法像上面的想法做类似的事情?

You can set the data parameter of the route with the role like this 您可以使用如下角色设置路径的data参数

 const appRoutes: Routes = [ { path: 'account/super-secure', component: SuperSecureComponent, canActivate: [RoleGuard], data: { roles: ['super-admin', 'admin'] } }]; 

and then have this in canActivate of RoleGuard : 然后在canActivate of RoleGuard有这个:

 canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean { let roles = route.data["roles"] as Array<string>; return (roles == null || roles.indexOf("the-logged-user-role") != -1); } 

I think this could be another way of doing it instead of creating guard for every role. 我认为这可能是另一种方式,而不是为每个角色创造防范。 I would actually take this rout since it requires less code and handles the problem very nicely. 我实际上会采取这种溃败,因为它需要更少的代码并且非常好地处理问题。

The signature for CanActivate won't allow you to pass a userRole like you want to. CanActivate的签名不允许您按照CanActivate意愿传递userRole https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/2.0.0-rc.4/modules/%40angular/router/src/interfaces.ts#L54 https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/2.0.0-rc.4/modules/%40angular/router/src/interfaces.ts#L54

It's probably best to do separate classes for each of your user role cases. 最好为每个用户角色案例分别执行类。 That's the guidance in the official docs too: https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/router/index/CanActivate-interface.html 这也是官方文档中的指导: https//angular.io/docs/ts/latest/api/router/index/CanActivate-interface.html

NOTE : applicable for angular-rc.4 < 注意 :适用于angular-rc.4 <

@KamilKiełczewski, @NikolayRusev, @KamilKiełczewski,@ NikolayRusev,

  1. added in route additional data with array of routes: 添加路由附加数据与路由数组:

    path: "customers",
    component: CustomersCmp,
    data: { roles: ["admin"] }

and in CanActivate you can get path from first parameter, search the same path in route config and get your described roles from data: 在CanActivate中,您可以从第一个参数获取path ,在路径配置中搜索相同的路径,并从数据中获取您描述的角色:

public canActivate(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): boolean {
    let path = route._urlSegment.pathsWithParams[0].path;
    let roles;

    if (route._routeConfig.path == path) {
        roles = route._routeConfig.data.roles
    } else {
        roles = route._routeConfig.children.find(_route => _route.path == path).data.roles;

    if (...) {
        return true;

    return false;

Of course it would be better to avoid private properties, and you can, but I cannot remember how I exactly done it. 当然最好避开私有财产,你可以,但我不记得我是怎么做到的。

But for my porposes I redid it in different way. 但是对于我的作品,我以不同的方式重新制作它。 The huge disadvantage of this approach, I mean for role based guard, is that every user with different roles can see all of the routes if you render them in a component automatically not manually. 这种方法的巨大缺点,我的意思是基于角色的防护,是每个具有不同角色的用户都可以看到所有路由,如果您在一个组件中自动而不是手动渲染它们。

  1. you can extend router-outlet 你可以扩展router-outlet

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