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[英]Angular2: how to “reload” page with router (recheck canActivate)?

I have routers with canActivate: [ AuthGuard ] and validation inside AuthGuard 我有带有canActivate: [ AuthGuard ]和在AuthGuardAuthGuard验证的AuthGuard

How to force check canActivate in same router url ? 如何在同一路由器URL中强制检查canActivate

For example: Current route is /admin and I have got event like session expired . 例如:当前路由是/admin ,我有类似session expired事件。 I have session check in AuthGuard but this check activates only when I execute .navigate(...) . 我在AuthGuard进行了会话检查,但是只有当我执行.navigate(...)时,该检查才会激活。 How to force run canActivate in same location? 如何在同一位置强制运行canActivate

I've tried: this.router.navigate([ this.router.url ]); 我试过了: this.router.navigate([ this.router.url ]); but angular checks same location and do nothing. 但是角度检查相同的位置却什么也不做。

ps I can locate to "login page" or other pages when I got session expired event , but I have all redirects inside AuthGuard and I do not want to repeat the same redirects in all other events, I need just like location.reload() but in Angular2 routes. ps当我遇到session expired event ,我可以定位到“登录页面”或其他页面,但是我在AuthGuard拥有所有重定向,并且我不想在所有其他事件中重复相同的重定向,我需要的是location.reload()但在Angular2路线中。

Main question sounds like : How to force rerun canActivate guards in current location? 主要问题听起来像是 :如何强制重新运行canActivate警卫在当前位置?

My temporary solution: 我的临时解决方案:

auth.service.ts 验证服务

import { Injectable, Injector } from '@angular/core';
import { ActivatedRoute, Router, RouterStateSnapshot } from '@angular/router';

export class AuthService {

  constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
              private router: Router,
              private injector: Injector) {

  // Dirty hack for angular2 routing recheck
  private forceRunAuthGuard() {
    if (this.route.root.children.length) {
      // gets current route
      const curr_route = this.route.root.children[ '0' ];
      // gets first guard class
      const AuthGuard = curr_route.snapshot.routeConfig.canActivate[ '0' ];
      // injects guard
      const authGuard = this.injector.get(AuthGuard);
      // makes custom RouterStateSnapshot object
      const routerStateSnapshot: RouterStateSnapshot = Object.assign({}, curr_route.snapshot, { url: this.router.url });
      // runs canActivate
      authGuard.canActivate(curr_route.snapshot, routerStateSnapshot);


app.routes.ts app.routes.ts

  { path: 'faq', canActivate: [ AuthGuard ], component: FaqComponent },
  { path: 'about', canActivate: [ AuthGuard ], component: AboutUsComponent },
  { path: 'upgrade', canActivate: [ AuthGuard ], component: UpgradeComponent },

This code runs AuthGuard again. 此代码再次运行AuthGuard

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