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[英]how does modulus on a while loop executes?

I need help understanding this solution for getting a prime factor. 我需要帮助来了解此解决方案以获得主要因素。 this is the code demo 这是代码演示

function getMaxPrimeFactor (n) {
    var temp = n;
    for(var i = 2; i < temp; i++) {
        while (temp % i === 0) {
            temp /= i;


I understand the for loop but I don't know what's going on the while loop and the division, how did it get an output of 29? 我了解for循环,但不知道while循环和除法是怎么回事,它如何得到29的输出?

Here's what is going on: 这是怎么回事:

The point of the for loop is to try every single divisor between 2 and the current value of temp which starts out equal to the original number. for循环的要点是尝试在2和temp的当前值之间的每个除数开始,该temp的当前值等于原始数。

The point of the while loop is to take each one of those divisors and try them as many times as possible. while循环的要点是采用每个除数并尝试尽可能多的除数。 As long as the remainder comes up 0 meaning it divided evenly, then keep dividing and reduce temp to the result of the division each time. 只要余数达到0意味着它是均匀分配的,然后继续进行分配并将temp降低到每次分配的结果。

So, while (temp % i === 0) means to keep running the while loop as long as temp divides by i evenly with no remainder. 因此, while (temp % i === 0)意味着只要temp除以i且没有余数,就可以继续运行while循环。 The % modulus operator computes the remainder after division. %模运算符计算除法后的余数。

Here's a more instrumented version that when you run it shows you a bit more about what is going on: 这是一个更加实用的版本,在您运行时,它会告诉您更多有关发生的情况:

 function getMaxPrimeFactor (n) { var temp = n; for(var i = 2; i < temp; i++) { while (temp % i === 0) { temp /= i; console.log("factor=",i,", ",temp*i,"/",i, "=",temp); } } console.log("remaining factor=",temp); } getMaxPrimeFactor(13195); 

Here while is checking if value of temp % i is 0 (ie if temp is divisible with i ). 在这里, while正在检查temp % i值是否为0 (即temp是否可被i整除)。 If this condition is true it will store temp / i in temp 如果此条件为true ,它将在temp存储temp / i

So when the while condition is true 所以当while条件成立时

i   temp   (temp % i)  new_temp_value(temp/i)
5   13195  0           2639
7   2639   0           377
13  377    0           29
29  29     -           - //for loop stops here since `i < temp` condition doesn't satisfy.

Last temp value is 29 上一个温度值为29

So if we consider only i value from above, we get 5, 7, 13, 29 which are factors of 13195 . 因此,如果仅考虑上面的i值,则得到13195 5, 7, 13, 29这是13195因数。

ie 5 * 7 * 13 * 29 = 13195 5 * 7 * 13 * 29 = 13195

So the max value in factors is 29 . 因此,因子的最大值为29

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