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[英]Dectect runtime if UWP app is downloaded from package flight group

When publishing a UWP application to the store you can choose to distribute your app to only members of a Package flight. 将UWP应用程序发布到商店时,您可以选择将应用程序分发给仅包裹航班的成员。

I would like to detect runtime if the app has been downloaded from such a test flight group. 如果应用程序已从此类测试飞行组下载,我想检测运行时。

I want to do this because I want to use a different api url for this test group. 我想这样做是因为我想为这个测试组使用不同的api url。 and once I'm ready to release the app I would like to use a different url. 一旦我准备好发布应用程序,我想使用不同的网址。

According to the MSDN documentation you can use different packages for each flight group. 根据MSDN文档,您可以为每个航班组使用不同的包。 So I would just embed the URL you want into the package that you're deploying 所以我只想将您想要的URL嵌入到您正在部署的包中

When you set up package flights, you can choose the specific people who should get specific packages by adding them a flight group. 设置包裹航班时,您可以通过添加航班组来选择应该获得特定包裹的特定人员。 Anyone in a flight group who is using a device running a version of Windows 10 that supports package flights (Windows.Desktop build 10586 or later; Windows.Mobile build 10586.63 or later) will get packages from the package flight(s) that you designate for that particular group. 使用运行支持程序包飞行的Windows 10版本的设备(Windows.Desktop内部版本10586或更高版本; Windows.Mobile内部版本10586.63或更高版本)的飞行组中的任何人都将从您指定的程序包航班中获取程序包对于那个特定的群体。 Anyone who has not been added to one of your flight groups, or is using a device that doesn't support package flights, will get packages from the non-flighted submission. 任何未添加到您的某个航班组或使用不支持包裹航班的设备的人都将从未提交的提交中获取包裹。

Today is solved this same problem by a rather different approach. 今天通过一种相当不同的方法解决了同样的问题。

Instead of relying on the flight or a/b test, i took matters in own hand. 我没有依赖航班或a / b测试,而是自己动手。

To be clear; 要清楚; i have 3 different "connection strings": debug (local machine), preview (for testers) and release (production). 我有3个不同的“连接字符串”:调试(本地机器),预览(测试人员)和发布(生产)。

Debug is only used on the development machine. 调试仅用于开发机器。 On my build server, i created one build for the release configuration. 在我的构建服务器上,我为发布配置创建了一个构建。 This way both testers and end-users using the same build as should be. 这样,测试人员和最终用户都应该使用相同的构建。

In my application i added the Uri activation . 在我的应用程序中,我添加了Uri激活 This way, you can start your application with just something like "HelloWorldApp://". 这样,您可以使用“HelloWorldApp://”之类的东西启动应用程序。

On the desktop of testers i have created a shortcut calling "HelloWorldApp://test". 在测试人员的桌面上,我创建了一个名为“HelloWorldApp:// test”的快捷方式。 This is the only manual step you have to take on the testers side. 这是您必须在测试人员方面采取的唯一手动步骤。 Opening this link opens your application but with the extra argument to check on and overwrite the default "release" connection strings. 打开此链接会打开您的应用程序,但需要使用额外的参数来检查并覆盖默认的“释放”连接字符串。

This has 2 advantages. 这有两个优点。 You testers can still get hold on the test package as package flight and use it separately from the production users, but also this package can directly be submitted to the release group without change or separate build. 测试人员仍然可以将测试包作为包飞行并与生产用户分开使用,但是此包也可以直接提交给发布组而无需更改或单独构建。 Also when using the default shortcut, you're using the production version. 此外,使用默认快捷方式时,您使用的是生产版本。 Means switching environments without reinstalling. 意味着无需重新安装即可切换环境。

Hope it solves your issue too, but for now it's likely the only possible way to do this. 希望它也解决了你的问题,但是现在它可能是唯一可行的方法。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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