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如何删除从 Microsoft Store 下载的应用程序的应用程序许可证信息?

[英]How to remove app license information of apps downloaded from Microsoft store?

We have created an app in Microsoft store.我们在 Microsoft 商店中创建了一个应用程序。 When we download an app, we get a license "Full License".当我们下载一个应用程序时,我们会获得一个许可证“完整许可证”。 Uninstalling an app, does not remove license.卸载应用程序不会删除许可证。 so my question is where is these license info stored and how to remove it.所以我的问题是这些许可证信息存储在哪里以及如何删除它。

Why i am asking this question?为什么我要问这个问题? : I am doing experiment with Windows.Services.Store and learning how to access addon information etc. I wish to try experimenting setting app to trial version and then asking user to buy an app. :我正在对 Windows.Services.Store 进行实验并学习如何访问插件信息等。我想尝试将应用程序设置为试用版,然后要求用户购买应用程序。 But since I had set app free, the download and install has acquired full license.但是由于我已经免费设置了应用程序,因此下载和安装已获得完整许可。

I am using Microsoft UWP Sample (Store C# Sample) to experiment.我正在使用 Microsoft UWP 示例(存储 C# 示例)进行实验。 You already brought this app and have a "full license" version.您已经带来了这个应用程序并拥有“完整许可”版本。

I then created a new submission and set app price and also set trail period.然后我创建了一个新的提交并设置了应用程序价格并设置了试用期。 but MSFT sample application say the same error "You already brought this app and have a full license version."但 MSFT 示例应用程序显示相同的错误“你已经带来了这个应用程序并拥有完整的许可证版本。”

So i repeat my question: where is these license info stored and how to remove it.所以我重复我的问题:这些许可证信息存储在哪里以及如何删除它。


where is these license info stored and how to remove it.这些许可证信息存储在哪里以及如何删除它。

Currently, the license information is managed by the Store and you can't manually check and manipulate the license.目前,License 信息由 Store 管理,您无法手动查看和操作 License。

Once you've purchased an app on your app, then it will have a full license on your device and other users will be able to access it as well.在您的应用上购买应用后,它将在您的设备上拥有完整的许可证,其他用户也将能够访问它。 The suggestion for testing is that you could create a test app on the Partner Center and associate that new app with your project.测试的建议是您可以在合作伙伴中心创建一个测试应用并将该新应用与您的项目相关联。 Then use the new app to test the trial function.然后使用新的app测试试用版function。


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