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如何管理 Microsoft Store 之外的应用内购买?

[英]How to manage in-app purchases outside of the Microsoft Store?

These questions are related to Microsoft Store related API, C# and VS2022.这些问题与 Microsoft Store 相关的 API、C# 和 VS2022 相关。

Q1.Can I manage in-app purchases outside of the Microsoft Store, meaning using my own payment-gateway like stripe.com? Q1.我能否在 Microsoft Store 之外管理应用内购买,即使用我自己的支付网关,如 stripe.com? if yes are there any sample example or article on the same.如果是,是否有任何示例或文章。

Q2. Q2。 Can I implement in-app purchases with a custom price for each customer?我可以为每个客户实施具有自定义价格的应用内购买吗? for few customers we might want to give some varying discount.对于少数客户,我们可能想提供一些不同的折扣。 any sample example or article on the same?关于相同的任何示例或文章?


Can I manage in-app purchases outside of the Microsoft Store, meaning using my own payment-gateway like stripe.com?我可以在 Microsoft Store 之外管理应用内购买,这意味着使用我自己的支付网关,如 stripe.com?

Yes, based on the Store policy 10.8 Financial Transactions , Non-game in-app products made available on PC devices may either use a secure third-party purchase API or the Microsoft Store in-product purchase API for in-app purchases of digital items or services that are consumed or used within the product.是的,根据商店政策 10.8 金融交易,PC 设备上提供的非游戏应用内产品可以使用安全的第三方购买 API 或 Microsoft Store 产品内购买 API用于应用内购买数字商品或在产品中消费或使用的服务。

if yes are there any sample example or article on the same.如果是,是否有任何示例或文章。

No , there is no sample about using third-party purchase API.,没有关于使用第三方购买 API 的样品。 You need to check the document of these third-party purchase APIs.您需要查看这些第三方购买API的文档。

Can I implement in-app purchases with a custom price for each customer?我可以为每个客户实施具有自定义价格的应用内购买吗? for few customers we might want to give some varying discount.对于少数客户,我们可能想提供一些不同的折扣。 any sample example or article on the same?关于相同的任何示例或文章?

If you are using third-party purchase APIs, then this will be an issue that you need to check the third-party purchase API document.如果您使用的是第三方购买API,那么这将是您需要查看第三方购买API文档的问题。

For Microsoft Store in-product purchase API, there is no such function that provides a custom price for every customer.对于 Microsoft Store 产品内购买 API,没有为每个客户提供自定义价格的 function。 What you could do is that having different add-ons with different prices in the Microsoft Store.您可以做的是在 Microsoft Store 中拥有不同价格的不同附加组件。 Then for different customers, you show the different add-ons.然后对于不同的客户,您会展示不同的附加组件。


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